Robox Library for Cpp: BCC/31 module 1.0.0
RLibCpp BCC/31 protocol implementation
Classes | Enumerations
RLibCpp::Bcc::ClientStruct Namespace Reference


class  AlarmHistoryClearData
 The data for the alarmHistoryClear method. More...
class  AlarmHistoryInfoData
 The data for the alarmHistoryInfo method. More...
class  AlarmHistoryItem
 The data for an alarm history item. More...
class  AlarmHistoryListData
 The data for the alarmHistoryList method. More...
class  AlarmStackClearAllData
 The data for the alarmStackClearAll method. More...
class  AlarmStackClearData
 The data for the alarmStackClear method. More...
class  AlarmStackClearSpecData
 The data for the alarmStackClearSpec method. More...
class  AlarmStackGetData
 The data for the alarmStackGet method. More...
class  AlarmStackInfoData
 The data for the alarmStackInfo method. More...
class  AlarmStackItem
 The data for a generic alarm item. More...
class  AlarmStackListData
 The data for the alarmStackList method. More...
class  BaseWriteVariableData
 Internal class for Write and Force operations. More...
class  CanC402InfoData
 the data for the canC402Info method. More...
class  CanC402InfoItem
 The data for CAN402 info item. More...
class  CanEmcyReadData
 The data for the canEmcyRead method. More...
class  CanNmtReadData
 The data for the CanNmtRead method. More...
class  CanNmtReadItem
 The data for a CANopen NMT item. More...
class  CanNmtWriteData
 The data for the canNmtWrite method. More...
class  CanObjReadData
 The data for the canObjRead method. More...
class  CanObjWriteData
 The data for the canObjWrite method. More...
class  CanPdoReadData
 the data for the canRxPdoRead and canTxPdoRead method. More...
class  CanPdoReadItem
 The data for CANopen PDO workstation item. More...
class  CanRbxChDiagData
 the data for the canRbxChDiag method. More...
class  CanRbxChDiagItem
 The data for a Robox diagnostic CANopen channel item. More...
class  CanRbxWsDiagData
 the data for the canRbxWsDiag method. More...
class  CanRbxWsDiagItem
 The data for a Robox diagnostic CANopen workstation item. More...
class  DataLoadSequenceData
 The data for the dataLoadSequence method. More...
class  DataSaveSequenceData
 The data for the dataSaveSequence method. More...
class  DownloadSequenceData
 The data for the downloadSequence method. More...
class  ErrorData
 The base error data for all client, monitor and oscilloscope operations. More...
class  FbEcatNmtData
 The base data for Client.vbReadEcatNmt and Client.fbWriteEcatNmt method. More...
class  FbEntryData
 The data for Client.doFbReadEntry and Client.doFbWriteEntry method. More...
class  FbIfData
 The base data for Client.fbReadIf and Client.fbWriteIf method. More...
class  FbLoadFirmwareData
 The data for Client.fbLoadFirmware method. More...
class  FbNmtData
 The base data for Client.doFbReadNmt and Client.doFbWriteNmt method. More...
class  FbReadEcatNmtData
 The data for Client.fbReadEcatNmt method. More...
class  FbReadIfData
 The data for Client.fbReadIf method. More...
class  FbReadNmtData
 The data for Client.doFbReadNmt method. More...
class  FbWriteEcatNmtData
 The data for Client.fbWriteEcatNmt method. More...
class  FbWriteIfData
 The data for Client.FbWriteIf method. More...
class  FbWriteNmtData
 The data for Client.doFbWriteNmt method. More...
class  FlashDirData
 The data for the FlashDir method. More...
class  FlashDiskBackpupData
 The data for the flashDiskBackup method. More...
class  FlashDiskCreateData
 The data for the flashDiskCreate method. More...
class  FlashDiskDeleteData
 The data for the flashDiskDelete method. More...
class  FlashDiskRestoreData
 The data for the flashDiskRestore method. More...
class  FlashFileDeleteData
 The data for the flashFileDelete method. More...
class  FlashFileInfoData
 The data for the flashFileInfo method. More...
class  FlashFileLoadData
 The data for the flashFileLoad method. More...
class  FlashFileRenameData
 The data for the flashFileRename method. More...
class  FlashFileSaveData
 The data for the flashFileSave method. More...
class  FlashFolderCreateData
 The data for the flashFolderCreate method. More...
class  FlashFolderDeleteData
 The data for the flashFolderDelete method. More...
class  FlashFolderInfoData
 The data for the flashFolderInfo method. More...
class  FlashFormatData
 The data for the flashFormat method. More...
class  FlashItem
 The data for a generic flash item. More...
class  FlashSetAttributesData
 The data for the flashSetAttributes method. More...
class  ForceVariableData
 The data for the forceVariable method. More...
class  OperationData
 The base operation data for all client operations. More...
class  PingData
 The data for the Ping method. More...
class  ReadVariableData
 The data for the readVariable method. More...
class  ReleaseAllVariablesData
 The data for the releaseAllVariable method. More...
class  ReleaseVariableData
 The data for the releaseVariable method. More...
class  ReportClearData
 The data for the reportClear method. More...
class  ReportCmdData
 The base data for user report cmd data methods. More...
class  ReportInfoData
 the data for the reportInfo method. More...
class  ReportListData
 The data for the reportList method. More...
class  ReportListItem
 The data for list of user report. More...
class  ReportSetModeData
 The data for the reportSetMode method. More...
class  SysReportClearData
 The data for the sysReportClear method. More...
class  SysReportCmdData
 The base data for system report cmd data methods. More...
class  SysReportInfoData
 the data for the sysReportInfo method. More...
class  SysReportListData
 The data for the sysReportList method. More...
class  SysReportListItem
 The data for list of system report. More...
class  SysReportSetModeData
 The data for the sysReportSetMode method. More...
class  SystemInfoData
 The data for the SystemInfo More...
class  WriteVariableData
 The data for the writeVariable method. More...


enum  ActivityStates {
  activityStateCompleted , activityStateCompletedAt , activityStateError , activityStateAborted ,
  activityStateAbortedAt , activityStateExpired , activityStateExpiredAt , activityStateSendingRequest ,
  activityStateSendingReloadRequest , activityStateSendingRestartRequest , activityStateSendingSyncRestartRequest , activityStateAnalyzingFile ,
  activityStateReadingFile , activityStateWritingFile , activityStateChecking , activityStateRecoveringAt ,
  activityStateNotConfirmedAt , activityStateWaitingStart , activityStateWaitingCompletation , activityStateSendingData ,
 The available operation states. More...
enum  SafeModes { safeModeIfSupported , safeModeAlways , safeModeNever }
 Safe mode values. More...

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ActivityStates

The available operation states.


Activity completed.


Activity completed at value.

The data associated with the state is the value at completion: the type of data depends on the context of use.


Activity error.


Activity aborted.


Activity aborted at value.

The data associated with the state is the value of the cancellation: the type of data depends on the context of use.


Activity expired.


Activity expired at value.

The data associated with the state is the value of the expiration: the type of data depends on the context of use.


Activity is sending request.


Activity is sending reload request.


Activity is sending restart request.


Activity is sending sync restart request.


Activity is analyzing the file.


Activity is reading file.


Activity is writing file.


Activity is checking.


Activity is recovering at value.

The data associated with the state is the value of the recovering: the type of data depends on the context of use.


Activity not confirmed at value.

The data associated with the state is the value of the un-confermation: the type of data depends on the context of use.


Activity is waiting start.


Activivty is waiting completation.


Activity is sending data.


Activity is receiving data.

◆ SafeModes

enum SafeModes

Safe mode values.


Use safe messages if supported by remote device, otherwise use normal messages.


Always use safe messages: get an error if safe messages aren't supported by remote device.


Never use safe messages.