Robox Library for Cpp: BCC/31 module 1.0.0
RLibCpp BCC/31 protocol implementation
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CAlarmHistoryItemThe data for an alarm history item
 CAlarmStackItemThe data for a generic alarm item
 CBaseDataThe base class for data for the derived classes' read/write methods
 CReadDataThe data for the Monitor::read(MonitorStruct::ReadData &) method
 CWriteDataThe data for the Monitor::write(MonitorStruct::WriteData &) method
 CBaseMonitorAbstract base class for monitors handling
 CMonitorThe class to handle BCC protocol monitors
 CMessage::bccMessageThe Bcc message raw data structure
 CCanC402InfoItemThe data for CAN402 info item
 CCanNmtReadItemThe data for a CANopen NMT item
 CCanPdoReadItemThe data for CANopen PDO workstation item
 CCanRbxChDiagItemThe data for a Robox diagnostic CANopen channel item
 CCanRbxWsDiagItemThe data for a Robox diagnostic CANopen workstation item
 CVariable::DataClass to handle variable data values
 CDataSampleSingle data sample read from the oscilloscope: it holds all the track ( values() ) returned at a specific time()
 CDeviceItemStructure for the effective BCC message sent to the device
 CDeviceItemStructure for the effective BCC message sent to the device
 CDeviceMonitorItemStructure for the effective monitor item stored into each BCC message
 CDeviceOscilloscopeItemStructure for the effective oscilloscope item stored into each BCC message
 CErrorDataThe base error data for all client, monitor and oscilloscope operations
 COperationDataThe base operation data for all client operations
 CErrorDataThe data for the Monitor::error signal
 CErrorDataThe data for the Oscillocope::error(long , OscillocopeStruct::ErrorData data) signal
 CFlashItemThe data for a generic flash item
 CGlobalsGlobal variable and methods declaration
 CConnectionCommunication client declaration
 CMonitorThe class to handle BCC protocol monitors
 COscilloscopeThe class to handle BCC protocol oscilloscopes
 CClientCommunication client declaration
 CMonitorThe class to handle BCC protocol monitors
 COscilloscopeThe class to handle BCC protocol oscilloscopes
 CMessageMessage declaration for the BCC protocol
 CProtocolProtocol class declaration
 CVariable::Data::PtrVector::PtrPtrVectorClass to handle with lists of pointers to list of Data pointers
 CDeviceItem::PtrVectorClass to handle with lists of DeviceItem pointers
 CDeviceMonitorItem::PtrVectorClass to handle with lists of DeviceMonitorItem pointers
 CUserMonitorItem::PtrVectorClass to handle with lists of UserMonitorItem pointers
 CMonitor::PtrVectorClass to handle with lists of Monitor
 COscilloscope::PtrVectorClass to handle with lists of Oscilloscope
 CDataSample::PtrVectorClass to handle with lists of DataSample pointers
 CDeviceOscilloscopeItem::PtrVectorClass to handle with lists of DeviceOscilloscopeItem pointers
 CUserOscilloscopeItem::PtrVectorClass to handle with lists of UserOscilloscopeItem pointers
 CVariable::Data::PtrVectorClass to handle with lists of Data pointers
 CReadDataThe data for the Oscilloscope::read(OscilloscopeStruct::ReadData &) method
 CReportListItemThe data for list of user report
 CSysReportListItemThe data for list of system report
 CUserMonitorItemMonitor items class: these are the monitors added by the user
 CUserOscilloscopeItemOscilloscope items class: these are the oscilloscopes added by the user
 CVariableThe variable specification data
 CConnection::VariablesCacheThe class to handle variable caches
 CConnection::VariablesCacheItemClass to handle an item in the variables cache
 CConnection::VariablesDictThe variable dictionay
 CAlarmHistoryItem::VectorClass to handle with lists of AlarmHistoryItem
 CAlarmStackItem::VectorClass to handle with lists of AlarmStackItem
 CCanC402InfoItem::VectorClass to handle with lists of CanC402InfoItem
 CCanNmtReadItem::VectorClass to handle with lists of CanNmtReadItem
 CCanPdoReadItem::VectorClass to handle with lists of CanPdoReadItem
 CCanRbxChDiagItem::VectorClass to handle with lists of CanRbxChDiagItem
 CCanRbxWsDiagItem::VectorClass to handle with lists of CanRbxWsDiagItem
 CFlashItem::VectorClass to handle with lists of FlashItem
 CReportListItem::VectorClass to handle with lists of ReportListItem
 CSysReportListItem::VectorClass to handle with lists of SysReportListItem
 CMessage::VectorClass to handle with lists of Message
 CVariable::Data::VectorClass to handle with lists of Data