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Robox Library for Cpp: BCC/31 module 1.0.0
RLibCpp BCC/31 protocol implementation
CAlarmHistoryItem | The data for an alarm history item |
CAlarmStackItem | The data for a generic alarm item |
▼CBaseData | The base class for data for the derived classes' read/write methods |
CReadData | The data for the Monitor::read(MonitorStruct::ReadData &) method |
CWriteData | The data for the Monitor::write(MonitorStruct::WriteData &) method |
▼CBaseMonitor | Abstract base class for monitors handling |
CMonitor | The class to handle BCC protocol monitors |
CMessage::bccMessage | The Bcc message raw data structure |
CCanC402InfoItem | The data for CAN402 info item |
CCanNmtReadItem | The data for a CANopen NMT item |
CCanPdoReadItem | The data for CANopen PDO workstation item |
CCanRbxChDiagItem | The data for a Robox diagnostic CANopen channel item |
CCanRbxWsDiagItem | The data for a Robox diagnostic CANopen workstation item |
CConnection::Event::Data | |
CMonitor::Event::Data | |
COscilloscope::Event::Data | |
CVariable::Data | Class to handle variable data values |
CDataSample | Single data sample read from the oscilloscope: it holds all the track ( values() ) returned at a specific time() |
CDeviceItem | Structure for the effective BCC message sent to the device |
CDeviceItem | Structure for the effective BCC message sent to the device |
CDeviceMonitorItem | Structure for the effective monitor item stored into each BCC message |
CDeviceOscilloscopeItem | Structure for the effective oscilloscope item stored into each BCC message |
▼CErrorData | The base error data for all client, monitor and oscilloscope operations |
►COperationData | The base operation data for all client operations |
CErrorData | The data for the Monitor::error signal |
CErrorData | The data for the Oscillocope::error(long , OscillocopeStruct::ErrorData data) signal |
CFlashItem | The data for a generic flash item |
CGlobals | Global variable and methods declaration |
▼CIEventSender | |
►CConnection | Communication client declaration |
CMonitor | The class to handle BCC protocol monitors |
COscilloscope | The class to handle BCC protocol oscilloscopes |
▼CIRef | |
CClient | Communication client declaration |
▼CIThreadHandlerConsumer | |
CMonitor | The class to handle BCC protocol monitors |
COscilloscope | The class to handle BCC protocol oscilloscopes |
CMessage | Message declaration for the BCC protocol |
CProtocol | Protocol class declaration |
CVariable::Data::PtrVector::PtrPtrVector | Class to handle with lists of pointers to list of Data pointers |
CDeviceItem::PtrVector | Class to handle with lists of DeviceItem pointers |
CDeviceMonitorItem::PtrVector | Class to handle with lists of DeviceMonitorItem pointers |
CUserMonitorItem::PtrVector | Class to handle with lists of UserMonitorItem pointers |
CMonitor::PtrVector | Class to handle with lists of Monitor |
COscilloscope::PtrVector | Class to handle with lists of Oscilloscope |
CDataSample::PtrVector | Class to handle with lists of DataSample pointers |
CDeviceOscilloscopeItem::PtrVector | Class to handle with lists of DeviceOscilloscopeItem pointers |
CUserOscilloscopeItem::PtrVector | Class to handle with lists of UserOscilloscopeItem pointers |
CVariable::Data::PtrVector | Class to handle with lists of Data pointers |
CReadData | The data for the Oscilloscope::read(OscilloscopeStruct::ReadData &) method |
CReportListItem | The data for list of user report |
CSysReportListItem | The data for list of system report |
CUserMonitorItem | Monitor items class: these are the monitors added by the user |
CUserOscilloscopeItem | Oscilloscope items class: these are the oscilloscopes added by the user |
CVariable | The variable specification data |
CConnection::VariablesCache | The class to handle variable caches |
CConnection::VariablesCacheItem | Class to handle an item in the variables cache |
CConnection::VariablesDict | The variable dictionay |
CAlarmHistoryItem::Vector | Class to handle with lists of AlarmHistoryItem |
CAlarmStackItem::Vector | Class to handle with lists of AlarmStackItem |
CCanC402InfoItem::Vector | Class to handle with lists of CanC402InfoItem |
CCanNmtReadItem::Vector | Class to handle with lists of CanNmtReadItem |
CCanPdoReadItem::Vector | Class to handle with lists of CanPdoReadItem |
CCanRbxChDiagItem::Vector | Class to handle with lists of CanRbxChDiagItem |
CCanRbxWsDiagItem::Vector | Class to handle with lists of CanRbxWsDiagItem |
CFlashItem::Vector | Class to handle with lists of FlashItem |
CReportListItem::Vector | Class to handle with lists of ReportListItem |
CSysReportListItem::Vector | Class to handle with lists of SysReportListItem |
CMessage::Vector | Class to handle with lists of Message |
CVariable::Data::Vector | Class to handle with lists of Data |