Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- r -
- RAW_DATA_SIZE : Message
- rawData() : DataLoadSequenceData, DataSaveSequenceData, Message
- read() : Monitor, Oscilloscope
- ReadData() : ReadData
- readSrcValues() : DeviceMonitorItem
- readSrcValuesOffset() : DeviceMonitorItem
- readVariable() : Client
- ReadVariableData() : ReadVariableData
- reconnecting() : Client
- releaseAllVariables() : Client
- ReleaseAllVariablesData() : ReleaseAllVariablesData
- releaseClient() : Connection
- releaseMonitor() : Connection
- releaseOscilloscope() : Connection
- releaseVariable() : Client
- ReleaseVariableData() : ReleaseVariableData
- releasing() : BaseMonitor, Oscilloscope
- remove() : Connection::VariablesCache
- removeFromVarsCache() : Connection
- repeat() : DeviceMonitorItem, UserMonitorItem, DeviceOscilloscopeItem, UserOscilloscopeItem
- repID() : ReportInfoData, SysReportInfoData
- replyBusy() : Client
- replyMsg() : Client
- reportClear() : Client
- reportInfo() : Client
- reportList() : Client
- reportSetMode() : Client
- res : Message::bccMessage
- resAborted : Globals
- resArgumentError : Globals
- resClientConnected : Globals
- resClientDisconnected : Globals
- resClientNotConnected : Globals
- resClientNotFound : Globals
- resConnectionActive : Globals
- resConnectionManagerError : Globals
- resConnectionNotActive : Globals
- resCrossThreadingError : Globals
- resDataError : Globals
- resDataOverflow : Globals
- resDataUnderflow : Globals
- resDecodeError : Globals
- resDeviceReadError : Globals
- resDeviceWriteError : Globals
- resEncodeError : Globals
- resError : Globals
- ResetErrMask : FbEcatNmtData, FbEntryData, FbNmtData
- ResetMask : FbEcatNmtData, FbEntryData, FbNmtData
- resHardwareVarFillError : Globals
- resInQueueMissing : Globals
- resInternalError : Globals
- resInvalidClient : Globals
- resInvalidData : Globals
- resInvalidLink : Globals
- resInvalidSourceCh : Globals
- resInvalidSourceId : Globals
- resInvalidTargetCh : Globals
- resInvalidTargetId : Globals
- resInvalidVarAxCount : Globals
- resInvalidVarAxIndex : Globals
- resInvalidVarBitIndex : Globals
- resInvalidVarCount : Globals
- resInvalidVarIndex : Globals
- resInvalidVarOperation : Globals
- resInvalidVarSize : Globals
- resInvalidVarType : Globals
- resize() : DeviceItem::PtrVector, DeviceMonitorItem::PtrVector, UserMonitorItem::PtrVector, AlarmHistoryItem::Vector, AlarmStackItem::Vector, CanC402InfoItem::Vector, CanNmtReadItem::Vector, CanPdoReadItem::Vector, CanRbxChDiagItem::Vector, CanRbxWsDiagItem::Vector, FlashItem::Vector, ReportListItem::Vector, SysReportListItem::Vector, Message::Vector, Monitor::PtrVector, Oscilloscope::PtrVector, DataSample::PtrVector, DeviceOscilloscopeItem::PtrVector, UserOscilloscopeItem::PtrVector, Variable::Data::PtrVector::PtrPtrVector, Variable::Data::PtrVector, Variable::Data::Vector
- resLinkActive : Globals
- resLinkCacheError : Globals
- resLinkNotActive : Globals
- resLinkNotFound : Globals
- resLinkReconnecting : Globals
- resManagerActive : Globals
- resManagerNotActive : Globals
- resMissingValues : Globals
- resMonitorActive : Globals
- resMonitorCreated : Globals
- resMonitorDataSizeMismatch : Globals
- resMonitorDataTimeoutError : Globals
- resMonitorNotActive : Globals
- resMonitorNotCreated : Globals
- resMonitorNotFound : Globals
- resMonitorServiceTimeoutError : Globals
- resMonitorVarSetIdChanged : Globals
- resNoData : Globals
- resNoOperationRunning : Globals
- resNotImplemented : Globals
- resNotSupported : Globals
- resOffsetMismatch : Globals
- resOscilloscopeActive : Globals
- resOscilloscopeDataSizeMismatch : Globals
- resOscilloscopeDataTimeoutError : Globals
- resOscilloscopeNotActive : Globals
- resOscilloscopeNotFound : Globals
- resOscilloscopeServiceTimeoutError : Globals
- resOscilloscopeVarSetIdChanged : Globals
- resOutOfClients : Globals
- resOutOfMemory : Globals
- resOutQueueMissing : Globals
- resQueueEmpty : Globals
- resQueueFull : Globals
- resReceiveError : Globals
- resRemoteAbort : Globals
- resRemoteError : Globals
- resRemoteVarFillError : Globals
- resReplyNotSupported : Globals
- resRouteAlreadyExists : Globals
- resRouteError : Globals
- resRouteNotFound : Globals
- resRouteReserved : Globals
- resRouteTableMissing : Globals
- resSeqMismatch : Globals
- resSizeMismatch : Globals
- resSourceChUsed : Globals
- resSourceNotFound : Globals
- resSourceOpenError : Globals
- resSourceReadError : Globals
- resSourceSizeTooBig : Globals
- resSuccess : Globals
- resTargetBackupError : Globals
- resTargetExistError : Globals
- resTargetOpenError : Globals
- resTargetReadError : Globals
- resTargetWriteError : Globals
- restarted : Monitor, Oscilloscope
- resTimeoutError : Globals
- resTooManyValues : Globals
- resTransmitError : Globals
- result() : ErrorData
- Results : Globals
- resVarCacheNotFound : Globals
- resVarCacheRemoveError : Globals
- resVarNameParseError : Globals
- resVtxFileLoadError : Globals
- RLibCpp::Bcc::Client : FbEcatNmtData, FbEntryData, FbNmtData, ReportCmdData, SysReportCmdData
- round() : ReportSetModeData, SysReportSetModeData
- rpeVersion() : SystemInfoData
- RVar::FillHelper : Protocol
- RVar::Logical : Protocol
- RVar::Remote : Protocol
- RVar::RemoteCounter : Protocol
- RVar::RemoteTimer : Protocol
- rxHops() : PingData