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This version upgrades and adds many new features, and also it corrects some issues it had in previous version 3.54.2:


RTE project

Graphic panel

3D panel

Command shell

System monitor

OBB file viewer

Device image editor

CAN configuration editor

Ascii editor

Ladder diagram editor

Variables monitor


Document editor

General support

Ascii editor support

RTE configuration support

RTE system monitor support

System monitor support

Ladder language support

X/script language support

I-sense support

Device configurator support

AGVS configurator support

User interface support

CAN configuration support

CHM documentation support

Fieldbus configuration support

WARNING: this version can apply some file version restrictions, depending on your content.


Aligned features to RDE v3.54.2-patch12.

Updated functionality to create/open/close workspaces, now event based (#2276).

Updated functionality to clearing/restoring layout, now event based (#2276).

Updated documentation (#2316, #2141, #2142, #2152, #2160, #2168, #2179, #2194, #2199, #2202, #2209, #2218, #2412, #2413, #2415, #2441, #2459, #2460, #2461, #2462, #2463, #2464, #2465, #2466, #2467, #2479, #2482, #2061, #2203, #2483, #2484, #2485, #2490, #2491, #2509, #2501, #2504, #2505, #2270, #2169, #2535, #2546, #2549, #2030, #2526, #2535, #2546, #2549, #2555, #2559, #2560, #2563, #2564, #2565, #2566, #2567, #2568, #2569, #2575, #2586, #2588, #2603, #2604, #2612, #2613, #2614, #2615, #2616, #2639, #2671, #2672, #2676, #2693, #2694, #2703, #2706, #2713, #2714, #2715, #2716, #2734, #2736, #2772, #2831, #2832, #2841, #2844).

Updated .OBB files specifications (#2618).

Updated RDE informations page (#2365).

Updated runtime libraries MSVCRT v14.30.30708.

Updated IMD support files (ref. IMD20 v2.9.14 - RID20E v1.0.6) (#2487, #2627, #2739, #2798).

Updated predefined variables (Ref. RTE v34.27.8).

Updated AGVS support files (ref. Rham v1.0.1, #2521, #2547, #2660).

Updated RTE support files (#2508).

Updated RPE support files.

Updated EtherCAT support files (#2521, #2587, #2680, #2695, #2739, #2758).

Updated OBB support files (#2527, #2532, #2681, #2683).

Updated ProfiNET support files (#2594).

Updated Teamviewer client v15.26.4.0 (Corporate license).

Updated workspace/user file opening with drag&drop (#2642; backport).

Updated base theme with automatic settings based on system preferences (#2728).

Updates samples library (#2721, #2789).

Updated RDE settings file save system (#138).

Updated VTX support files (#2843).

Added new user interface named Advanced Docking System (#1130).

Added new view for quick access to recent workspaces (#2289).

Added support for a unified messages window (#2327).

Added feature (pause, filter) to the unified messages window (#2340).

Added sample workspace sample_48 (#2499).

Added version restriction coding (#2640).

Added category to version restrictions codes (#2760).

Added save/restore state for the main window of RDE (#2765).

Removed functionality for the default workspace (#2260).

Restored feature (partial) to clear messages on start of activities for tools (#2791).

Upgraded support initialization for various contexts (field bus, device configurator, ...; #2518).

Fixed issue (crash) in windows closing (#2418).

Fixed issue with showing windows (#2420).

Fixed issue with unrequested but proper closure of the application (#2729).

Fixed issue with menu button for open tabs not displayed (#2673).

Fixed issue with resource usage check when reading resource (#2780).

Fixed a graphic glitch with the window's tab when activating a dialog (#2822).

Fixed issue (critical) with possible data corruption during workspace save.

RTE project

Updated support for Nidec M753 in RTE monitor (#1734).

Updated save/load mask value for breakpoint (#2627).

Added option to remove files from folders during a device image copy (#1961).

Added feature to copy/paste IP networks configuration (#2524).

Added feature to generate source files (from template) on R3 task creation (#2548).

Added feature to copy/paste in the management page for RTE saved configurations (#2797).

Added highlight of files that will be reloaded on flash at the next make operation (#315).

Restored feature (partial) to clear messages on single activity and make/rebuild in RTE project (#2791).

Fixed issue with stop activity/cancel changes while closing project windows (#2428).

Fixed issue generating object block instances on make/rebuild operations (#2469).

Fixed issue with R++ modules management and removed useless flash load (#1835).

Fixed issue with messages not reported from field bus configuration (#220).

Fixed issue with value condition for breakpoint on a variable (#2551).

Fixed issue with check/creation of project target folder (#2553).

Fixed issue with highlight keyword for R3 language (#2573, #2790).

Fixed issue with compilation on UNC network filepaths (#2583).

Fixed issue in detecting RC3E/RC4E compiler errors (#2590).

Fixed issue with temporary folder path with spaces while compiling (#2730).

Fixed issue with initial state of the RTE configuration window (#2742).

Fixed issue with the creation of a managed file in flash (#2795).

Fixed issue with recompilation of IGV map if enabled/disabled (#117).

Graphic panel

Updated predefined panel for powerset monitor (#426).

Added internal properties window (#2274).

3D panel

Added internal properties window (#2274).

Fixed issue with font dimension on screens with DPI higher than 96 (#2303).

Command shell

Updated command shell file fieldbus (FB.SHC; #2610).

Added option -P to command DV to display numbers with specified precision (#2708).

Fixed issue with command history window (#770).

Fixed issue with command editor user interface (#86).

Fixed issue with handling/displaying floating point numbers (#2707).

System monitor

Added internal properties window (#2274).

OBB file viewer

Added file reload in viewer when OBB file changed (#1781).

Fixed issue with sorting by value in object block literally view (#2876).

Device image editor

Added functionality to add user folders (#2287).

Fixed issue (crash) when saving the flash configuration (#2829).

CAN configuration editor

Removed option to map PDO elements to 16 bit registers (#2617).

Fixed issue with manual mapping for objects in CAN configuration editor (#2419).

Ascii editor

Added feature to search in files from the editor (#2477).

Fixed issue with float highlight (R4; #2345).

Ladder diagram editor

Added grouping in dialog for OB class slection(#2608).

Fixed issues and optimized LAD file editor user interface (#86).

Fixed highlighter for float (R4; #2345).

Variables monitor

Fixed issue (possible crash) when closing the variable monitor window.

Fixed issue with creation in toolbar (#2543).

Fixed issue with default variable value when editing a variable when the monitor is connected (#2582).

Fixed issue with handling/displaying floating point numbers (#2707).

Fixed issue with default columns sorting (#2848).


Fixed issue with anomalous behaviour with stop trigger T2 (#2605).

Document editor

Fixed issue with copy/paste sections that were not saved later, in the document editor (#2856).

Fixed issue with the cursor color while editing a QByteArray variable, in the document editor (#1980).

General support

Updated handling of global keyboard events (#2334).

Updated minimum dimension for windows tabs in ADS (#2425).

Improved minimum dimension management for docked windows (#2313).

Updated support for complete URLs for CHM manual viewer (#1979).

Updated generation/management of automatic connections (#2506).

Updated support for full URL in CHM manual viewer (#1979).

Updated icon for workspaces no longer available in launch bar (#2705).

Added feature to remove single workspaces from the workspace history (#2361).

Added feature for hierarchic visualization/management of the workspace content (#2421).

Added feature to highlight windows tabs with pending changes (#2278).

Added feature to scroll with the mouse on the opened window tabs bar.

Added feature for menu bar in floating windows (#2404).

Added feature to show the current workspace name in floating window title (#2470).

Added signaling for dragging state change for window (#2309).

Added user interface to check version restrictions for the current workspace (#2640).

Removed global properties window (#2274).

Fixed issue with closing documentation windows before opening a workspace from start (#2331).

Fixed issue with closing editor windows with pending changes (#2335).

Fixed issue with activating a desktop window while showing it (#2336).

Fixed issue with search field, in search in file window, with dark theme (#2333).

Fixed graphical issue with restoring window state (#2364).

Fixed issues with quick workspace creation (#2429).

Fixed issue with iterating between windows from keyboard shortcut (#2443).

Fixed issue with opening documentation with contextual help (#2481).

Fixed issue with previous/next window search (#2443).

Fixed crashes and issues in object view by connection hierarchy (#2515).

Fixed issue (block) while opening undocked windows for workspace (#2709).

Fixed issue with workspace objects view when renaming a connection (#2853).

Ascii editor support

Updated graphic interface for find and replace feature (#2400).

Added cyclic iteration on bookmarks in Ascii editor (#2357).

Added feature to toggle bookmarks clicking on the relative column (#2359).

Showing lsp executable in case of messages and crash (#2323).

Fixed issue with movement changing search direction (#2403).

Fixed issue with markdown visualization in signature help (#2256).

Fixed issue with highlight editor stopping to work after splitting the view (#2800).

RTE configuration support

Updated edit interface for global variables.

Updated SYS_CFG_2 configuration for bit 16 (#2632).

Updated powerset alarms page (#2631, #2784).

Updated descriptions for auxiliary links in axis, fieldbus, based on the type of transducer selected (#2726).

Added option to use 'Drive follows command value' as feedback in axis power set (#2305).

Added feature for separate UI windows for the RTE project (#2353).

Added check for conflicts with flash paths for Object Block files (#2432).

Added feature for multiple initializations for global variables with repetitions (#169).

Added parameters L6 and L7 to joint/cartesian model Custom 03 in axes group (#2581).

Added new check for used variables (#2589, #2601).

Added grouping in dialog for OB class slection(#2608).

Fixed issue (crash) with closing the debug window (#2360).

Fixed issue with save/load of OB class instance parameters (#2338).

Fixed opening of the initial window in RTE project creation.

Fixed placement for make/rebuild/others dialogs for project windows (#2516).

Fixed issue with generation of 0 micro index for local Axioline transducers (#2574).

Fixed issue with analog outputs in variables usage check (#2665).

Fixed issue with status/control word CAN in variables usage check (#2665).

Fixed issue with tooltip and wrong values in system monitor powerset pages (#2668).

Fixed issue with variables usage check when using byte access (#2699).

Fixed issue with variable check for powerset enable (#2732).

Fixed issue with resource usage check (#2745).

Fixed issue with Modbus server variable definitions check (#2754).

RTE system monitor support

Updated system monitor content: main page for axis in powerset (#2514).

Updated system information page (SYS_CFG_2, SYS_FLAG_2; #2512).

System monitor support

Fixed issue (crash) when closing system monitor (#2523).

Fixed issue with system monitor buttons initialization (#2641).

Ladder language support

Improved cross reference data update (#2300).

Added functionality for complete cross reference (#2301).

X/script language support

Updated string management library for X/script (#2423).

Fixed issue with bit-wise operators with data types Int64/UInt64 (#2517).

Fixed issue (crash) integrated compiler for X/script (#2426).

I-sense support

Updated message "error file not found" only if the diagnosticlevel is extended (RLSP, #2478).

Updated filtering and ordering of 'content explorer' for i-sense (#1939).

Updated clangd to version 15.0.5.

Updated texts for messages regarding i-sense (#2531).

Updated included files sarch in any syntax level (#2656).

Added visualization for rule and main loop of tasks in 'content explorer' i-sense (#2363).

Added feature go to definition/declaration for R3 language with i-sense (#2545).

Added information using Diagnostic.relatedInformation to identify errors with i-sense (#2416).

Added autocomplete and predefined variable informations for RTE (R3; #2362).

Added textDocument.documentHighlight for R3.

Fixed issue with search for included files names (RLSP).

Fixed issue with wrong error notification in rule (R3; #2595).

Fixed issue with bit access syntax (R3; #2433).

Fixed issue with error notification for correct R3 syntax (#2643).

Fixed issue with LSP initialization for new R3 project (#2644).

Fixed issue with false notification of error of syntax error in array of structures (#2678).

Fixed issue with false notification of error of syntax error in concatenating strings (#2704).

Fixed issue with unexpected autocomplete (#2762).

Fixed issues with i-sense anomalous behaviour R3 (#2766, #2806).

Device configurator support

Added support for I64, U64 and F64 data types (#2457).

Fixed issue with reading string data type, in local fieldbus protocol (#2513).

AGVS configurator support

Added support for the new AGV Sensors configurator (#2493).

User interface support

Updated dark theme (#2240).

Added chekcbox in messages windows.

Fixed issue with updating suffix on filter change in file selection window (#1031).

Fixed issue with displaying < and > characters in message box.

CAN configuration support

Fixed issue reading .eds files for object indexes lower than 0x1000 (#2556).

CHM documentation support

Fixed issue with search feature in CHM documentation (#2223).

Fixed issue opening external links in documentation (#2585).

Fieldbus configuration support

Added buttons to expand/collapse slot groups or their modules (#356).


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