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This version upgrades and adds many new features, and also it corrects some issues it had in previous version 3.54.1:


RTE project

Graphic panel

Command shell

Device image editor

CAN configuration editor

General support

Ascii editor support

Fieldbus configuration support

RTE configuration support

RTE system monitor support

R3 language support

X/script language support

Intellisense support

EC2X configurator support

IMD configurator support

EVER configurator support

SAFEB configurator support

µRIO configurator support

Warning: this version can apply some file version restrictions, depending on your content.


Alligned functionalities to RDE v3.54.1-patch26.

Updated functionality of file path selection.

Update EtherCAT support files (#2103).

Update IMD support files (rif. firmware v2.9.12) (#2286).

Added RID20E support files (rif. firmware v0.1.33) (#2286).

Added OPC UA support files (#1169, #1239).

Added intelliSense support for R3 language (#1522).

Updated RPE support files.

Updated RTE support files.

Fixed issue with Chinese language version with file filters (#2275).

Fixed issue (crash) with toolbar icon management (#2312).

RTE project

Updated RTE monitor support for Nidec M753 (#1734).

Added option to remove files from folders when making a device image copy (#1961).

Graphic panel

Added new position for value label's description label (#1129).

Command shell

Updated creation of variables selection window (#2317).

Fixed issue with filename parsing in shell commands (#2315).

Device image editor

Updated flash content save from device (#948).

CAN configuration support

Fixed issue with manual mapping for objects (#2419).

General support

Updated conversion between date/time to string, if not valid returns an empty string (#2307).

Fixed issue with name and path generation for workspace file without spaces (#2302).

Fixed issue with opening worksapce files with drag & drop (#761).

Ascii Editor support

Updated behaviour intellisense information level selection in language settings (#2310).

Fixed issue with displaying markdown in signature help (#2256).

Fieldbus configuration support

Added renaming of pdo entries with duplicate names (#2101).

RTE configuration support

Updated behavior for the configuration check (#2153).

Added support for OPC UA server configuration (#1169. #1239, #1240).

Added support for MJ model Custom04b in axes group (#2058).

Added support for Proxy service in the IP network configuration (#1994).

Added option for Watchdog in Modbus variable configuration (#2066).

Added Axioline module AXL_F_PM_EF_1F (#2075).

Added ECAT remote device module configuration for AXL_F_PM_EF_1F (#2076).

Added Axioline modules AXL_SE_SSDI8_3 and AXL_SE_SSDO4_2 (#2102).

Added support for axis configuration with transducer or actuator Nidec M753.

Added logging level management for OPC UA server.

Added support for system configuration settings (#1983).

Added support for the new Robox drive RID20E (#2248).

Added support for the new Robox drive RO-AXL_SE_STP2 (#2252).

Added support for local Axioline (#2252).

Added support for WiFi channels 12 and 13, in the advanced network configuration (#2341).

Fixed issue with NAT configuration user interface in advanced network configuration (#2071).

Fixed issue with Modbus server settings configuration generation (#2115, #1813).

Fixed issue with Axioline Safety module LPSDO8 configuration generation (#2126).

Fixed issue with folder macro in user operations on make file in flash.

Fixed issue with refreshing managed files in flash, while loading a project configuration.

Fixed issue with missing transducer IMD20 (#2298).

Fixed issue with ENABLE_POWER and CHOPPER_OK channel calculation for Axioline modules (#2414).

Fixed issue with advanced network configuration generation (#2436).

RTE system monitor support

Added support for the new Robox drive RID20E (#2249).

Added programs status page (#1957).

R3 language support

Added auto-complete OBB for: literally, structures, variables and functions.

Fixed issue with auto-complete for $include directive (#2318, #2319).

Fixed issue with autocomplete with symbols defined in the inclusion file (#2257).

Fixed issue with displaying generic parameters in R3 functions (#2343).

X/script language support

Added error notification for non valid $ metacommand (#337).

Intellisense support

Updated messages and unexpected aborts diagnostics with the filename of the executable file that causes the abort (#2323).

Updated message "error file not found" only if the diagnosticlevel is extended (RLSP, #2478).

Fixed issue with search for included files names (RLSP).

EC2x configurator support

Fixed issue with command to save parameters to flash (#1780).

IMD configurator support

Fixed issue with command to save parameters to flash (#1780).

EVER configurator support

Fixed issue with command to save parameters to flash (#1780).

SAFEB configurator support

Fixed issue with command to save parameters to flash (#1780).

μRIO configurator support

Fixed issue with command to save parameters to flash (#1780).



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