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This version upgrades and adds many new features, and also it corrects some issues it had in previous version 3.53.1:


RTE project

Command shell

EDS viewer

Variables monitor

Graphic monitor

3D graphic monitor

Load/save variables


CAN configuration editor

BCC/31 USBC connection

RTE configuration support

Path library support

Fieldbus configuration support

X/script language support

Ladder language support

CHM documentation support

WARNING: this version can apply some file version rescrictions, depending on your content.

WARNING: the settings of some parts of the UI present incompatibility between Qt4 and Qt5, so the passage of workspace files (or others) between v3.53.x and v3.52.x (and vice versa) involves the loss of such status information of the relevant UIs.


Updated RTE support files (#1230, #1279, #1421).

Updated EC2x support files (ref. v1.0.9.0).

Updated IMD support files (ref. firmware v2.9.8).

Updated predefined variables (#1390, #1392).

Updated EtherCAT support files (#1126, #1138, #1083, #1143, #1213, #1214, #1245, #1309, #1399).

Updated documentation (#1184, #1232, #88, #758, #759, #983, #1024, #1144, #1157, #1166, #1195, #1211, #1229, #1279, #1314).

Updated documentation (#1181, #1250, #1254, #1297, #1313, #1321, #1335, #1371, #1393, #1398, #1401, #1417).

Updated ProfiNet support files (#1231).

Updated objects import functionality to enable overwriting (#1305).

Updated examples library (sample_39, sample_41) (#1320, #1363).

Update default messages settings for tools (#1318).

Added support for workspace object export to XML file (#803, #1032).

Added quick information view about the current workspace (#1096).

Added confirmation on opening with drag & drop operation.

Added EthernetIP support files (#1231).

Added support for on-demand refresh of the communication devices/connections (#1265).

Increased the maximum number of serial device ID to 256 (#1278).

Moved drag & drop functionality management (#1198).

Removed support for 3rd party tools (Parker, Higen and Phase; #1119).

RTE project

Updated file path handling in user operation.

Updated process informations in debugger (#1294).

Updated predefined variables (#1390, #1392).

Added user operation for object export (#1073).

Added exclusion of generating settings for OB. in file CFGDEFS.I3 (#1141).

Added support for generating external OB configuration (#1142).

Added support for auto-creation of used flash folders (#1057).

Fixed UI freeze when generating a device image (#1124).

Fixed default settings for a new project (#1216).

Fixes UI state restore (#1327).

Fixes warning messages for user operations (#1422).

Fixed application crash in user operation of device image creation (#1414).

Command shell

Updated shell command swreset (#996).

Fixed issue viewing values in unsupported formats (#1283).

EDS viewer

Fix display of incorrect default values (#1145).

Variables monitor

Increased maximum number of monitor channels to 16 (#1148).

Fixed variable selection when writing a variable online (#1105).

Fixed issue viewing values in unsupported formats (#1283).

Graphic panel

Increased maximum number of monitor channels to 16 (#1148).

Fixed issue viewing values in unsupported formats (#1283).

3D graphic panel

Increased maximum number of monitor channels to 16 (#1148).

Load/save variables

Added support for auto configuration from the connected device (#1210).

Added support for string register with repetitions.

Fixed issue viewing values in unsupported formats (#1283).

Fixed sorting for size column (#1248).


Fixed procedures for import / export of data (#1287).

Fixed auto-scroll for vertical measurement while capturing (#1246).

Fixed check for track parameters (#1261).

CAN configuration editor

Fixed user interface issue (#1159).

BCC/31 USBC connection

Fixed generation of the predefined serial devices connections (#1265).

RTE configuration support

Added Modbus server configuration (#1019).

Added multiple Modbus server configuration (#1110, #1114).

Added new Modbus server configuration for Phoenix SafeConf (#1113).

Added support for RP-0 device (with ARM Cortex A9 processor) (#962).

Added new user operation to export a workspace object (#1073).

Enabled data verification for all RTE configuration views (#1051).

Added check for network interfaces not presents on the hardware (#1175).

Added check for maximum size of FB linkable resources (#1197).

Added parameter to JC Anthropomorphous 1 model (#1182).

Fixed issue with hardware configuration (#1032).

Fixed issue (crash) with Modbus server configuration generation.

Fixed issue with evaluation of Modbus data blocks dimension (#1115).

Fixed issue with Modbus server configuration generation (#1116).

Fixed issue with Modbus server configuration flag sys_cfg.5 (#1112).

Fixes diagnostic texts in axis actuator page (#1255).

Path library support

Added support for text file format (#1008).

Fieldbus configuration support

Updated default names for axes and modules (#1312).

Updated dictionary data selection for pdo entry (#1319).

Updated default names for devices and widgets to lowercase.

Added check on the number of enabled Sm by topology during topology verification (#1306).

Added functionality to highlight device's pins not connected (#1006).

Added check for valid Sm use, by master currently in use, during verification phase: only Sm 2 and 3 are valid for pdo use (#1315).

Assigned RDE compatible user name for axis modules insert and swap.

Fixed issue on MailBoxState management (#558).

Fixed issue for excluded PDO (from other PDO) active in the output file (#997, #1300).

Fixed issue on ProcessData generation (#1302).

Fixed issue with keyboard shortcuts for: Zoom In, Zoom Out and Zoom restore commands.

Fixed issue in module/slot management that require a minimum number of instances (#1403).

Fixed generation of initialisation commands for pdo and fmmu and SynchManager management (#1437)

Fixed handling of mandatory pdo disabiling (#1301).

Changed labels management with warning for axis/module name invalid or empty.

Modified DC management: using an operating mode that foresees the use of DC, check it EnableDC must be enabled (#1404)

Modified DC management: using an operating mode that foresees the use of the DC in at least a slave the topology check fails if the DC master is not enabled (#1406)

Deleted sections regarding Sm with index greater than 3 in output file (#1315).

X/script language support

Added support for folder management in class XFileSystem (#1191).

Fixed VMI featured and updated documentation (#1189, #1183).

Ladder language support

Updated predefined variables (#1390, #1392).

CHM documentation support

Fixed clearing of the pending search when changing page in documentation (#1291).


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