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This version add and updates some features and resolves some defects relative to the previous version 3.51.0:


RTE project

Field bus configuration editor

Paths library editor

Ladder Diagram editor

RTE configuration support

Field bus configuration support

Ladder Diagram support

X/script support.

WARNING: this version can apply some file version restrictions, depending on your content.


Updated RTE support files.

Updated IMD support files (ref. firmware v2.7.8).

Updated client for TeamViewer QS assistance (v12.0.72365).

RTE project

Added model JC Delta 2.

Added support for XPL modules configuration and XPL environments handling.

Added operation for checking the configuration (without file regeneration).

Added support for disabling the automatic inclusion of R3 declarations (CFGDEFS.I3 or equivalent) in a single task (N-0252-293).

Fixed bugs in add new flash folder window.

Field buis configuration editor

Fixed bug when saving the .FBC file with a different name (N-0252-287).

Paths library editor

Fixed bug in creating a new path (name validation).

Ladder Diagram editor

Added support for handling include files (.I3 files; require compatibility v1.5 or higher).

RTE configuration support

Added model JC Delta 2.

Added support for XPL environments configuration.

Added support for Safety configuration of Axioline modules.

Added configuration for XPL non-volatile storage (N-0252-290).

Field bus configuration support

Fixed bug in generation of process variable names.

Fixed bug in generation of output XML ProcessImage (Master).

Fixed bug in object loading (Devices and Terminals).

Fixed bug in edit of direct commands (Master).

Fixed bug in output bitmap, in IO terminal properties page.

Fix handling of process variables names, for all objects (Master, Slaves and Terminals).

Fix bug in output file generation (bad bit counting, ex in sequence EL2624 -> EL2624 ->EL4002).

Fix bug in output file generation (bad bit counting in Cyclic.Frame commands).

Added support for content search in file (Widget and Devices).

Added support for gotoTag handling ((Widget and Devices).

Ladder Diagram Support

Added new compatibility level v1.5.

Added support for include file handling (.I3 file; require compatibility v1.5 or higher), with ability to import variable and OB class definitions.

X/script support

Added math function atan2.



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