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This version add and updates some features and resolves some defects relative to the previous version 3.50.3:


RTE project

Realtime oscilloscope

Paths library editor

Ascii editor

Ladder Diagram editor

Ascii editor support

Fieldbus configuration support

Paths library support

RTE configuration support

Find in file support

WARNING: this version can apply some file version restrictions, depending on your content.


Remove plugin (obsolete) for external GVIM editor.

Fixed handling of the HOME path.

Fixed loading of global settings (N-0252-269).

Updated EtherCAT support files.

Updated RTE support files.

Updated object block library.

Added support and handling for workspace layouts, with quick store and restore feature (with key from Ctrl+Alt+F1 to F10).

Added new global window for searching content in files.

Added ability to open through the operating system for PDF and CHM files inserted as bookmarks (N-0252-281).

Added full list of file filters adding file to the bookmarks window (N-0252-211).

Added ability of direct opening of the workspace backup files (file .rwbackup).

Fixed list of file filters enumeration for handled object types.

RTE project

Added new hardware I/O configuration handling, with possibility to reserve user I/O address for Axioline modules.

Added support for multiple IGV maps (N-0252-280).

Fixed a crash while inspecting a value, in R3 task debugger window (N-0252-270).

Fixed unsaved parameters, in axes configuration (alarms, CAM alarm type; N-0252-263).

Fixed R3 syntax, focusing on keyword for computing the code levels (N-0252-265).

Fixed number of IW for module AXL_F_RS_UNI_1H (hardware configuration; N-0252-272).

Fixed RTE target (v33 -> v34) as default proposed for G2 processors.

Fixed filename generation in device image creation (N-0252-274).

Fixed problem while loading an disabled IGV map (in single IGV map mode; N-0252-279).

Removed support for RC3 compiler configuration and for R3/Cof tasks (obsolete; N-0252-197).

Realtime oscilloscope

Fixed context menu content for track (state not updated; N-0252-268).

Fixed measuring information updating when enabling on/off the measured track (N-0252-273).

Paths library editor

Added support for moving to target point (in step and points editor).

Added support for updating point quotes (in points editor).

Added support for finding content in the binary file (.PLIB).

Fixed validation for point name in macro panel.

Ascii editor

Changed messaging UI for search/replace/goto operations (N-0252-199).

Updated defaults color for languages (N-0252-189). Customization will be cleared by default.

Ladder Diagram editor

Added support for finding content in the binary file (.LAD).

Added support for UTF-8 encoding in the file.

Ascii editor support

Fixed bugs (dead-loop and others) in text replacement functionality (N-0252-275).

Fixed bugs (text line disappearing) in folding/unfolding functionality (N-0252-276).

Fieldbus configuration support

Added array handling (with format 'ARRAY [0..n] OF BaseType') for master direct commands and PDO.

Added version restriction handling for the binary file.

Updated start address calculation mode, in BusTopology (now will be always byte aligned).

Paths librarie support

Fixed alternate name generation for point a path, in case of names with an array definition syntax.

RTE configuration support

Added support for REFSYS settings in axes groups.

Find in file support

Removed plugin with same name and created a new library with support for finding content in files.



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