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Adds a new volatile element to the 3D scene.


bool add_item(const string &in type, const string &in name, const string &in init='')


Element type (see table of element types)


Element name


Element initialization values (optional).

Element initialization values consist of a set of properties to be assigned directly to the element being created, with the following format:

[<name1>=<value1>[;<name2>=<value2>[; ......]]]

where <nameX> is the name of the property and <valueX> is the value for the property.


Returns true if element added, false otherwise


The element name must be unique.

The element is created and displayed immediately, unless you initially set the "visible" property to false.

New elements and their variables will be operational, if valid, only after a restart of the data monitor, such as with a call to the restart_monitor() method.

Example of use:

bool execute(pan3d::object @panel)



  ; Add box item, not visible to positioned at X=200 Y=100 Z=-50

  panel.add_item(pan3d::item_box, "obj1""visible=false;posX=200;posY=100;posZ=-50");

  ; Add cone item, rotating on Z according to RR(10)

  panel.add_item(pan3d::item_cone, "obj2""posA=rr(10)");






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