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Class constructors:

(the class cannot be instantiated by the script).


Methods for items management:

add_item(), add new item

remove_item(), remove existing item


Methods for variables management:

add_var(), add new variable

get_bool(), query boolean variable

get_color(), query color variable

get_double(), query 64bit floating point variable

get_int32(), query 32bit signed integer variable

get_string(), query string variable

get_uint32(), qiery 32bit unsigned integer variable

remove_var(), remove exiting variable

set_bool(), set boolean variable

set_color(), set color variable

set_double(), set 64bit floating point variable

set_int32(), set 32bit signed integer variable

set_position(), set position for variabile

set_string(), set string variable

set_uint32(), set 32bit unsigned integer variable


Methods for monitor management:

monitor_values_id(), query monitor values ID

restart_monitor(), restart monitor


Methods for 3D scene management:

is_scene_auto_uddate(), query scene auto-update feature

set_scene_auto_update(), enable scene auto-update  feature

update_scene(), update scene


Class properties:

connector, BCC/31 communication connector

The pan3d::object class implements the functionality of interfacing with the 3D graphics panel of RDE.

The class cannot be extended (final).


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