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Visualizza codice di stato della workstation indicata.


D_CO_WSDIAGNO nWsCan [-V] [-H]


Numero di workstation.


Rende la spiegazione dei bit di stato in 1. (opzionale)


Rende la spiegazione di tutti i possibili bit di stato. (opzionale)


Di seguito viene riportato il significato dei singoli bit che compongono il codice di stato:

0x00000001 (B0) = Missing Rx PDO 1

0x00000002 (B1) = Missing Rx PDO 2

0x00000004 (B2) = Missing Rx PDO 3

0x00000008 (B3) = Missing Rx PDO 4

0x00000010 (B4) = Before time Rx PDO 1

0x00000020 (B5) = Before time Rx PDO 2

0x00000040 (B6) = Before time Rx PDO 3

0x00000080 (B7) = Before time Rx PDO 4

0x00000100 (B8) = Missing mandatory Ws

0x00000200 (B9) = Missing Ws

0x00000400 (B10) = Last Request RTR failed

0x00000800 (B11) = Ws Presence imposed

0x00001000 (B12) = Reconfiguring Ws

0x00002000 (B13) = Error during reconfiguration

0x00004000 (B14) = ..

0x00008000 (B15) = ..

0x00010000 (B16) = Emergency Message present

0x00020000 (B17) = No communication (in operational mode)

0x00040000 (B18) = Ws Kind : Mandatory

0x00080000 (B19) = Ws kind : Reloadable on connection

0x00100000 (B20) = Configuration satisfactory done

0x00200000 (B21) = Ws not connetted on first configuration

0x00400000 (B22) = Problem occours during configuration on SDO command

0x00800000 (B23) = Problem occours during configuration on NMT command

0x01000000 (B24) = Configuration done

0x02000000 (B25) = Missing EtherCat connection (no link)

0x04000000 (B26) = ..

0x08000000 (B27) = ..

0x10000000 (B28) = ..

0x20000000 (B29) = Sample interval in witch the data are read/write. (only for physical device CANBUS)

0x40000000 (B30) = Ws not started

0x80000000 (B31) = Undefined Ws





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