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This new major version focuses mainly on introduction of full support to development and object block use, as well as other new functions and resolution of anomalies/faults relative to the previous version 3.4.10.


RTE project (plug-in RTE)

Ascii editor (plug-in AEDITOR)

R3 language support (library R3)

Ladder language support (library LAD)

Object block support (library OB)

X/script language support (library XS)

RDE3 variables support (library VAR)

BCC/31 communication (library BCC)

This distribution of RDE includes a new version of the RC3E compiler (33.2.4 or more) that serves both for the compilation of R3.ELF programs as well as for the compilation of the object block created by the user.


Fixed resetting position RDE main window, on opening workspace.

Fixed repositioning of windows existing on desktop, on opening workspace.

Fixed initial positioning of windows on desktop.

Fixed repositioning of desktop on activation of specific window.

Fixed dimensioning of desktop when closing last window.

Fixed accelerators for general functions (in some contexts, like editor, they did not work/could not activate correctly).

Fixed access to file (reading/writing) with reserved device names, like CON, NUL, PRN, AUX, LPTn and COMn (and extended form \\.\*).

Fixed regression of some UI fonts (Windows XP).

Added string type logical variables support.

Added NOBIT support for logical structures/variables.

Added reset proposal of all memorized workspace window states saved with RDE3 version 3.4.10 or previous (in resolution of anomalies concerning positioning on desktop).

Increased to 2048 the capacity for system messages (and debug log).

Updated RTE variables list (VTX).

Updated WOI interface with initialization/termination object functions.

Added new general desktop configuration.

Added options (in desktop configuration) to enable auto/centering (default on) and to enable window bar (default on).

RTE project (plug-in RTE)

Unified R3 program management, both for R3/Cof as well as R3/Elf.

Added support for creation, compilation, loading and debug of the Object Blocks.

Added support for syntax of OBS file (object block source).

Added support for compilation/analysis object block dependences.

Added support for logical variables in breakpoint on variable (debugger).

Added pre/configuration phase, in make/rebuild operations, and delayed configuration phase (generation) in queue to programs/OB/maps.

Added flag for clearing messages on single operations (compilation, loading, etc.).

Added support for creation/compilation of object block.

Added support for factory object block.

Added support for graphic configuration of object block.  

Added support for make/rebuild project with object block.

Added support language code (configuration).

Added support for alarms file with subdivision for language and type (configuration) and relative support for flash files.

Added enablement "loading block" (configuration).

Added AF information display in RTE Debugger, optional.

Added OB information display in RTE Debugger, optional.

Added system report display in RTE Debugger, optional and with the possibility of filtering for source mask.

Added user report display in RTE Debugger, optional and with the possibility of filtering for source mask.

Added option for enablement of RC3E compiler diagnostics (both for the compilation of R3/Elf programs as well as Object block).

Added user symbols (define literally) for single R3/Elf program.

Added current default /FA folder on creation new project.

Fixed page order of the project window, with joining of the pages "Breakpoint" and "Processes" into one "RTE Debugger".

Fixed enablement generation operations (configuration).

Fixed phase (now 20) and order of auto-load instruction generation (configuration).

Fixed bug on unary operators priority for variables/expressions inspect (debugger).

Fixed assignment of flash folders to various project/configuration elements.

Fixed special links generation, that now leaves objects duplicated (advising), rather than eliminating those existing, and verify not on local name but on remote (flash) name.

Fixed RTE.CFG generation (bug axis actuator as volatile/non volatile register).

Fixed syntax for RTE.CFG file highlight.

Fixed flash file generation from configuration (elimination management alternative name as not saved in the project any more).

Fixed relative/absolute paths problem for .LAD programs outside the project folder itself.

Fixed clearing of messages on single operation execution from the page "File in flash".

Fixed R3/Cof and R3/Elf programs compilation batch (added drive change).

Updated project operations report messages (increased detail of configuration files generation/dependence operations).

Ascii editor (plug-in AEDITOR)

Fixed syntax for X/script language (keyword NOT not managed correctly).

R3 language support (library R3)

Fixed $IF instruction analysis on R3 source.

Fixed bug on unary operators priority for R3 parser expressions (debugger).  

Ladder language support (library LAD)

Added predefined variables list (alignment to VTX/RTE).

Fixed bug on unary operators priority for expressions (MATH and COND elements).

Object block support (library OB)

Added new library for object block support (analysis dependences, expressions, file interface, etc.).

X/script language support (library XS)

Added new base functions for the management of colors.  

Added methods of background color management for widget (XForm class).  

Added methods of management electronic tables/sheets (classe XForm).

Fixed bug on erroneous identification of the functions in "overloading".

RDE variables support (library VAR)

Restored bit access on constant type variables and literally of (Robox) predefined variables.

BCC/31 communication (library BCC)

Added support for diagnostics not foreseen in BCC/<-->ASCII translation protocol .

Added (corrected) support for RS232 devices with identification from COM10 to COM32.

Fixed bug on communication time-out, on ACSII/RS232 connection (rendering these connections effectively unusable).



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