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This release includes new functions and bugs fixing of version 3.4.9.


Command shell (plug-in SHELL)

RRT project (plug-in RRT)

RTE project (plug-in RTE)

3D graphic panel (plug-in PAN3D)

Ascii editor (plug-in AEDITOR)

Ladder editor (plug-in LADED)

BCC/31 communication (library BCC)


Added dialog for windows listing/activation (available in the "window" menu when more than 10 windows are active).

Added special tool bar for quick selection of the open windows.

Added desktop smart positioning when activating a specific window.

Added new CANopen models (file model.COT).

Updated keyboard accelerators for global windows activation, from CTRL+ALT to CTRl+META (META is the key between CTRL and ALT, usually identified by the Windows logo)

Updated workspace saving/loading, now with the real window creation and stacking order.

Updated the window list, now ordered by last usage.

Fixed bug (crash) in the windows closing session (some windows did not close).

Fixed bug (crash) in the opening session of a generic editor.

Command shell (plug-in SHELL)

Updated help for BCC commands (commands file BCC.SHC).

Updated command DATE with new options  -L and -LSET.

Updated command TIME with new options -L and -LSET.

Updated VMI interface with new date/time functions (X/script commands).

Restored toolbar buttons for starting/stopping all connected objects.

RRT project (plug-in RRT)

Added toolbar buttons for starting/stopping all connected objects.

Added date and time information to project messages.

Updated state and breakpoint images in the process debugger window.

RTE project (plug-in RTE)

Added toolbar buttons for starting/stopping all connected objects.

Added date and time information for the project messages.

Added support for the management/compilation of IGV maps, with external ICMAP compiler.

Added predefined /log and /log/stp flash folders.

Added support for the automatic loading of the programs/other (configuration).

Added general RPE settings page (configuration).

Updated information on the state/type of the processes list (debugger).

Increased to 256 the max number of processes managed by the debugger.

Updated state and breakpoint images in the process debugger window.

Updated compilers properties/settings window, with the support for the ICMAP compiler.

Updated configuration properties/settings window.

Updated index information for the alarms (minor, system major) in the power set (configuration) .

Optimized the generation of the configuration file (make) which is now generated only if the relevant data have been modified/updated.

Fixed bit value reading when bit defined as LIT (debugger).

Fixed variable (values) inspection, now with ability to expand LIT directly (debugger).

Fixed process list ordering (debugger).

Fixed file verification (project/flash folder make operation) in case of flash folder not found (error 166).

Fixed CAM alarm settings (configuration).

Fixed project refresh for flash, now only for enabled file and folder..

3D graphic panel (plug-in PAN3D)

Added automatic points reset in PointStrip type objects.

Ascii editor (plug-in AEDITOR)

Added support for text replacement in context, complete file or current selection.

Updated operation "replace all" (text replacement window), with confirmation.

Updated operation "replace..." (text replacement window), with new operation terms.

Ladder editor (plug-in LADED)

Updated attributes for predefined variables.

BCC/31 communication (libreria BCC)

Increased time-outs in the protocol translation from BCC/31 to Robox standard ASCII.



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