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This version includes new features and bugs fixing on the previous version 3.4.1.


RTE project (plug-in RTE)

RRT project (plug-in RRT)

Command shell (plug-in SHELL)

CANopen configuration editor (plug-in COCED)

Device image editor (plug-in DIMED)

Ladder diagram editor (plug-in LADED)

Generic hardware (plug-in HW)

ASCII over RS232 connection (plug-in ASCRS232)


Updated the documentation.

Added new examples.

Newer communication timing and newer multi-threading architecture in order to lower the % of CPU usage (as possible): to restore the default timing, please use the -RT0 command line option.

RTE project (plug-in RTE)

Added a flag to save the project messages.

Added the management of the folders in flash memory with the user's path.

Added the copy/past function for the folders in flash memory.

Added the drag/drop function for the folders in flash memory.

Reviewed the make/rebuild procedures both for the folders and for the project.

Fixed the bug in the analysis of the dependences for files beginning with a numerical character.

Fixed the bug in the analysis of the dependences in case of error accessing first (or any middle) file.

Fixed the bug in the opening of a source file from the debug window of an R3 process (wrong URL).

Fixed the test on the RC3 and RC3E compilers' validity.

Updated the syntax (for internal ASCII editor) for source/include R3 files (added the obsolete keywords).

Added the support for management and configuration of the Ramdisk (RTE configuration).

Fixed the bug in the name and type of register for axis transducer with register (RTE configuration).

Fixed the bug in the name and type of register for axis actuator with register (RTE configuration).

Updated the default values for the axes in a power set (RTE configuration).

Added new JC models (axes group, RTE configuration).

Added new 0 cycle types (axes group, RTE configuration).

RRT project (plug-in RRT)

Fixed the bug in the analysis of the dependences for files beginning with a numerical character.

Fixed the bug in the analysis of the dependences in case of error accessing first (or any middle) file.

Command shell (plug-in SHELL)

Updated the  nackXXX definitions in the XScript compiler for the shell commands .

Updated the  BCC.SHC command file.

Added the option for defining commands directly form the quick commands menu.

Added the Ramdisk support.

Fixed the bug in the variable list download and synchronization.

Updated FDIR command (no more / as built-in filemask)

Updated FTREE command (no more / as built-in filemask): now accept a optional filemask as argument (link FDIR command).

CANopen configuration editor (plug-in COCED)

Added newer CANopen templates.

Device image editor (plug-in DIMED)

Corrected the keyword interface operation  (space key to select on/off file and folders).

Generic hardware (plug-in HW)

Updated the syntax  (for internal ASCII editors) for the generic .STP files.

Ladder diagram editor (plug-in LADED)

Fixed the bug (crash) in save operations of files with different name.

Fixed alias variables index verification.

Fixed sized for predefined variable AM.

Upgraded compiler verifications (added specific verification for variable and user data types/structures).

ASCII over RS232 connection (plug-in ASCRS232)

Added the auto-limitation (1280kb) of the flash memory size with FINIT commands.



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