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This release includes new functions and bugs fixing of version 3.4.8.

NOTE: because of its new features, the .LAD file (Ladder Diagram) is automatically converted into a new forma which will be active when the file is saved and it will need RTE firmware version 33.8.x. Such new .LAD file will be no more compatible with previous RDE3 or RTE firmware versions, so we suggest therefore that the user always makes a copy of his own .LAD files before starting to work with this new release.


Command shell (plug-in SHELL)

RTE project (plug-in RTE)

3D graphic panel (plug-in PAN3D)

Ladder diagram editor (plug-in LADED)

CANopen template editor (plug-in COTED)


Added new tool "3D graphic panel".

Added support for Microsoft Windows Vista.

Added possibility to make progressive searches in the manuals index (CHM).

Added support for the new variables ALN and ALS (alarms in the alarms stack).

Added command line option -font to configure custom font.

Added added special connection name "(none)", now used as default connection name for newly created objects.

Updated index of the manuals (CHM) now shown with full and correct titles.

Fixed bug (crash) when closing the last window in a workspace .

Command shell (plug-in SHELL)

Added support for the new variables ALN and ALS (alarms in the alarms stack).

Added support for the alternative indexes syntax (both in [a,b,c] and [a][b][c] format), compatible with the R3 syntax.

Added user timing for shell communication state verification.

RTE project (plug-in RTE)

Added support to backup the project configuration, with direct loading onto flash.

Updated reviewed the variable inspection method employed in the debug window of R3 programs: now any expression (formed both by internal variables, constants, literally and basic functions: string handling, trigonometric functions, etc.) can be inspected. The values of the intermediate variables can be displayed as well. Remarks: the variables are no more identified following the programming language, but following the RDE3 variables relevant to the current connection.

Updated window for tool-tip display of an expression result.

Updated window for the interactive inspection of the expressions.

Updated the analysis of the programs dependencies file. Now the correct and current definitions ($ifdef e $ifndef) are taken into account.

Updated loading of the project literally, now able to read a higher and complex definition, if dependent by just one variable. The correct and current definitions  ($ifdef e $ifndef) are taken into account.

Updated check of the axis actuator (configuration).

3D graphic panel (plug-in PAN3D)

Added a new powerful tool for 3D display of the objects (virtual robots, complementary elements, etc.) whose characteristics (position, angle, etc.) can be directly connected to any RDE variable.

NOTE: this plug-in requires an updated RDE licence.

Ladder diagram editor (plug-in LADED)

Added support for variable import directly from the R3 source files (or include), also considering the correct and current definitions  ($ifdef e $ifndef) and with interactive selection

Added support for math expressions (new element MATH).

Added support for expressions evaluation (new element EVAL).

Added conversion notice, even when file is synchronized (saved from the connected device).

Added variable name duplication check while checking file.

Updated predefined variable list (refer to RTE version 33.8.x).

Fixed bug (crash) when updating the element cross reference window.

Fixed new variable creation, from variable finding window, while LIVE changes are active.

Removed automatic comment from comparing items.

CANopen template editor (plug-in COTED)

Added support to read the information/data of the CAN file.



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