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This release includes a number of new features and the correction of bugs of the previous release 3.2.0.


Command shell (plug-in SHELL)

RRT project (plug-in RRT)

RTE project (plug-in RTE)

Realtime oscilloscope (plug-in OSC)

Variables monitor (plug-in MON)

Graphical panel (plug-in PAN)

Variable handling (plug-in LSVAR)

BCC/31 ping/pong test (plug-in BCCTEST)

CANopen configuration editor (plug-in COCED)

Device image editor (plug-in DIMED)


Fixed the user's interface activation for workspace objects.

Fixed the bug (crash) occurring while assigning/enumerating the list of variables (dictionaries) for various tools.

Command shell (plug-in SHELL)

Fixed the bug (crash) occurring while automatically stopping a shell (for example when there are I/O connection errors) and while some sub-windows are open (variable download window, variable selection window, etc).

Fixed the bug (crash) due to failed synchronization in  the shell command sequence (script stack).

Added the new commands FMKDIR and FRMDIR for folders handling on a compact flash.

Added the new command FDISK for compact flash memories handling.

Added new options to commands FDIR and FMEM.

Added new options to show the command executed (implicit or commands from a batch file).

RRT project (plug-in RRT)

Added support to make/rebuild operations for compact flash memories.

Added electronic documentation support (project specific).

Added automatic messages save with the workspace.

RTE project (plug-in RTE)

Added support to make/rebuild operations for compact flash memories.

Renamed R3 programs (.COF extension) to R3.COF.

Added support for the new R3 compiler called RC3E.

Added support for new type of R3 programs called R3.ELF, with all the related make/rebuild operations: these programs have .ELF extension and can be compiled for PowerPC and Intel i586 platforms.

Added electronic documentation support (project specific).

Added automatic messages save with the workspace.

Warning: opening an RTE project with an RDE3 version lower than 3.3.0 will cause the loss of some data and of all the R3.ELF program definitions.

Realtime oscilloscope (plug-in OSC)

Renamed existing trigger as 'start trigger' (or T1).

Added new 'stop trigger' (or T2) useful to stop the data acquisition in a particular condition with miscellaneous stop parameters.

Added support for activity messages (with related sub-window).

Added the ability to make graphical selection onto the plot area.

Added the ability to automatically adjust the time/base according to the current plot area selection,  or to the value  of V1-V2 positions or according the T1-T2 triggers positions.

Added electronic documentation support.

Review of the context menus for plot area and trigger handles.

Variables monitor (plug-in MON)

Added electronic documentation support.

Added support for activity messages (with related sub-window).

Graphical panel (plug-in PAN)

Added electronic documentation support.

Added support for activity messages (with related sub-window).

Variables handling (plug-in LSVAR)

Added electronic documentation support.

BCC/31 ping/pong test (plug-in BCCTEST)

Added electronic documentation support.

CANopen configuration editor (plug-in COCED)

Added electronic documentation support.

Device image editor (plug-in DIMED)

Added electronic documentation support.



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