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This release includes a number of new features (among them the Ladder Diagram live modifications) and the correction of bugs of the previous release 3.1.3.

NOTE: because of its new features, the .LAD file (Ladder Diagram) is automatically converted into a new forma which will be active when the file is saved and it will need RTE firmware version 32.4.6 (or higher). Such new .LAD file will be no more compatible with previous RDE3 or RTE firmware versions, so we suggest therefore that the user always makes a copy of his own .LAD files before starting to work with this new release.


Variables handling (VAR library)

Command shell (plug-in SHELL)l

RRT project (plug-in RRT)

RTE project (plug-in RTE)

Ladder diagram editor (plug-in LADED)

Device images editor (plug-in DIMED)


Amended and updated the documentation for the standard protocol DLE/CRC16 and communication protocol BCC/31.

Fixed the 'close all' windows command.

Added to standard RDE3 distribution a special workspace containing samples for languages and devices by Robox SpA, with related quick access command from the workspace menu.

Variables handling (VAR library)

Fixed the bug in variable loading from .VTX definition (troubles with firmware version)

Fixed the bug causing I/O problems when downloading variables from the connected device

Added the support to direct bit variables and alias variables (for ladder diagram programs)

Reviewed the variable selection general menu; improved the search function and the support for direct bit variables.

Command shell  (plug-in SHELL)

Fixed the bug relevant to wrong diagnosis with  "unexpected message 0x0001".

Fixed the bug relevant to the wrong setting of the required folder/filter in the file/path selection menus.

Updated the documentation on VMI for the command shell.

Added new options to the bcc command ALH permitting to display the alarm history: more info available with the ALH HELP.

Modified the bcc command TASKLIST for the correct identification of R3 and Ladder Diagram processes.

Added new options to the DV shell command, permitting to display the variables: more info available with the DV HELP.

Added a new option -R to the shell commands  DV, SV, FV e RV permitting to force the variables list reload.

Updated the shell command FLOAD with the new special loading procedure CFG: more info available with the FLOAD help.

Fixed the  save/load bug of files with size 0, both with ASCII and BCC/31 connections.

Reviewed the window selection/search menu.

RRT project (plug-in RRT)

Fixed the symbols reading (literally) in .TLI files, which is no more performed in disabled programs.

Added the symbols reloading when enabling/disabling a single program.

Fixed the bug relevant to wrong information on the required/available space in flash, during the automatic rebuild activated by a failed make session because of insufficient space on the flash.

Fixed the bug of wrong synchronization with the remote debugger.

Fixed the keyboard shortcuts for flash and programs windows

Added ability to request device power off (R 700=0) in make/rebuild operations.

RTE project (plug-in RTE)

Fixed the symbol reading (literally) in .R3D files, which is no more performed in disabled programs.

Fixed the bug relevant to wrong information on the required/available space in flash, during the automatic rebuild activated by a failed make session because of insufficient space on the flash.

Fixed the bug in R3 programs dependencies refreshing (GPF).

Fixed the bug of wrong synchronization with the remote debugger.

Fixed the keyboard shortcuts for flash and programs windows

Added the support for bit accessed variables symbols for registers, input and output words.

Ladder diagram editor (plug-in LADED)

Because of its new features, the .LAD file (Ladder Diagram) is automatically converted into a new forma which will be active when the file is saved. Such new .LAD file will be no more compatible with previous RDE3 or RTE firmware versions, so we suggest therefore that the user always makes a copy of his own .LAD files before starting to work with this new release.

Added the LIVE modifications handling (non destructive modifications) both in off-line and on-line modes: the RTE firmware version 32.4.6 (or higher) is required.

Fixed the bug in the verification of variables used for multiple latch/unlatch outputs.

Fixed the bug in the repeated request for cross reference on a specific element.

Added the bookmark handling: 10 direct bookmarks (univocal, directly recallable) and infinite indirect bookmarks. These bookmarks are stored together with the window state in the current workspace in the saving session.

Added the generic operation NOP which can be used as bookmark for comments or to test input conditions without engaging any output.

Added ability to quick moving trough references of the current selection in the cross reference.

Fixed the bug in the verification of the RANGE operation

Device image editor (plug-in DIMED)

Fixed the  save/load bug of files with size 0, both with ASCII and BCC/31 connections.




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