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This version add and updates some features and resolves some defects relative to the previous version 3.10.7.


Command shell

Graphical panel

3D graphical panel

Variables monitor

RTE project

BCC/31 over TCP connection

BCC/31 over TCP (Single Socket) connection

RTE configuration support

CAN configuration support

Ladder language support

X/script language support

BCC protocol support


Updated Robox IMD support files.

Updated Robox µRIO support files.

Updated CAN support files.

Updated predefined variables (ref. RTE v34.8.0).

Updated documentation.

Updated basic.lic license and related management.

Updated samples library.

Updated library of object templates for the workspace.

Updated library of object blocks.

Added DevNet support files.

Fixed problem in finding license files when installation is not in the canonical path.

Command shell

Updated UTF-8 support for shell commands.

Added configuration for the command history size.

Added display the structure size in command DV -Q.

Fixed bug in infinite command execution (specifics and for connection errors).

Fixed string variable assignment (size checking on UTF-8 encoding).

Graphical panel

Added user defined On/Off values to 'input' type element.

Added new 'button' type element with ability to have user defined images for each button state.

3D graphical panel

Added UTF-8 support in customized 3d panel script.

Variables monitor.

Fixed string variable assignment (size checking on UTF-8 encoding).

RTE project

Updated R3 syntax.

BCC/31 over TCP connection

Added support for the gateway service.

BCC/31 su TCP (Single Socket) connection

Added support for the gateway service.

RTE configuration support

Fixed I/O problem on axes parameters in in power set.

CAN configuration support

Added 'TimeStamp time' parameter in CAN configuration.

Updated UTF-8 support for COT templates.

Ladder language support.

Fixed check for the latch/unlatch and normal output usage (some check combination was missing).

Updated predefined variables (ref. RTE v34.8.0).

Supporto linguaggio X/script

Added support for Unicode UTF-8 encoding for X/script sources and executables.

Fixed missing checks on object constructor and destructor declarations.

BCC protocol support

Fixed repeat number check when reading variables from a client.

Added support for the gateway service.



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