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This function is used to perform tracking of a SLAVE against a MASTER, with the master not associated with an axis. The function performs jerked movements computed with a pentic curve, cam of the position of the master axis.


Tracking can be single or cyclically repeated in fixed cycle or variable cycle.

The master could be a controlled physical axis, but also a simple external reference (e.g., a line encoder) or even a virtual quota constructed and evolved by the application software.

In any case, during the execution of the function, the master must always evolve in the same direction.

The slave could be a controlled physical axis, but also a simple unit constructed and evolved by the application software. It could be a linear axis of limited excursion or a cyclic axis (e.g., rotary).

Types of the follow2 function

The syntax of follow2 varies according to:

MASTER and SLAVE both not associated with an axis -> mv_follow2()

MASTER not associated with an axis, SLAVE associated with an axis -> mva_follow2()

MASTER and SLAVE both associated with an axis (typical case) -> mva_follow2_m()


i32 mva_follow2 (stru_follow2_s stru1 [, real period=0 [, stru_follow2info stru2=NULL])


Structure of type stru_follow2_s containing parameters related to movement


Time interval between two consecutive executions of this function. (optional, default 0)

If 0 is assumed to be equal to SI


Structure of type stru_follow2info where to save auxiliary data (out). (optional, default NULL)


Variable containing information about the status of the function (see returns codes).




Initial positioning requested by setting the relative bits of the command parameter


The slave axis is waiting to start


No conditions to start, waiting for the next appointment


The slave axis has started tracking the master


The slave axis has tracked and is synchronized to the master

17 [M_DECEL]

The slave axis has finished the synchronization phase and is decelerating


The slave axis is returning to the parking point


The function is in alarm, see errorCode




The configuration of the function is done through the auxiliary data structure



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