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Function to capture the falling edge of a condition by setting a filter in space or time.


real fall_filt (bool cond, real varFilt, real thrFilt)


Condition to be examined for the front search


Evolving unit (typically time(tfb) or space ip(n))


Quantity of varFilt in which the false condition is to be stably seen






cond = TRUE

cond = FALSE but the threshold thrFilt was not exceeded

<> 0 (the value of varFilt recorded on the falling edge of cond is returned)

cond = FALSE and you have exceeded thrFilt (value of reference variable stored on transition)

cond = FALSE and delta filter is satisfied (value of quota stored on falling edge)


Rule, Task


From the first time the function is executed until the condition remains low and the threshold is exceeded the value returned is 0. Past that threshold the value returned is the first supplied value of varFilt.

In case fall_filt() is used in a user R3 function, it should be avoided that the parameters of the function itself are involved in the 'condition' expression. The result would not be as hoped because of the overlap in memory of the state of several variables

Providing ip(n) as a filter variable, for example, will result in a filter in space, while providing tfb as a filter variable will result in a filter in time (units seconds).

Each fall_filt() function has its own memory of the "condition" state. The front evaluation is done between the current state of the condition and the memory related to the single function call. (e.g., if we have at step 1000 if(fall_filt(inp(1), tfb, 0.5)) and at step 1100 if(fall(inp(1), tfb, 0.5)), although they refer to the same condition, the evaluation is done separately, each according to the state stored by running step 1000 and then step 1100).



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