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Informazioni sull'allarme:


Emergency da drive


Numero di asse (1-32)


Nome del tipo di dispositivo (TWn o AXM)


Codice guarsto (TWn)

0x5530 = Flash parameters error

0x6100 = Internal software failure

0x6200 = SYNC PDO processing overtime

0x6320 = Parameter Error on object 6060h.0h

0x6321 = Parameter Error on object 6086h.0h

0x7121 = Motor blocked / following error overlimit

0x8401 = Over-speed

Codice guasto (AXM):

0x5531 = The Syslog flash sector is damaged

0x5532 = Flash parameters error

0x5533 = The hardware configuration flash sector is damaged

0x6011 = An internal error occurred in the regulation and control firmware

0x6012 = Maximum update period expired

0x6013 = Maximum update period expired

0x6014 = Watchdog control mechanism failure

0x6015 = CRC checksum calculation failed

0x6016 = Fpga locked then the power section will be locked

0x6017 = PLL detected loss of clock

0x6100 = Internal software failure

0x6200 = Sync PDO processing overtime

0x6201 = The run time of Slow task is greater than its activation period (1-32 msec)

0x6202 = The run time of Fast task is greater than its programmed activation period 125 µsec

0x6320 = Parameter error: wrong configuration

0x7389 = Auxiliary encoder channel: Endat encoder in alarm condition

0x738A = Auxiliary encoder channel: Error in Endat communication

0x738B = Auxiliary encoder channel: Error in Endat communication

0x73A8 = Auxiliary encoder channel: the drive has detected an incorrect index position

0x73A9 = Auxiliary encoder channel: the voltage ripple of the encoder analogic channels was higher than the maximum limit set by the parameter

0x73AA = Auxiliary encoder channel: the drive has detected an error on encoder input stage

Condizione emissione



Caduta della potenza


Verificare lo stato del drive

Maschera allarmi


Parametri rilevanti


Tipo di allarme



Da RTE v34.13.8 i messaggi di emergency relativi ai drive TWn ed AXM della PHASE vengono gestiti come allarmi.

Allarme relativo agli azionamenti PHASE connessi su bus di campo.

Per maggiori informazioni consultare il manuale del drive.

La prestazione viene abilitata indicando in configurazione di progetto RTE (assi, trasduttore/attuatore) i drive della famiglia TWn o AXM



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