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On this site is all available technical documentation, updated to the state of the art and currently distributed with the latest version of RDE.

hmtoggle_arrow0 RDE documentation

hmtoggle_arrow0 Firmware documentation

hmtoggle_arrow0 Programming languages

hmtoggle_arrow0 Technical specifications

hmtoggle_arrow0 Communication specifications

hmtoggle_arrow0 Miscellaneous documentation

hmtoggle_arrow0 RLIB Documentation


The content offered by this portal is prepared with the utmost care/diligence, and subjected to careful control.
Robox Spa, however, disclaims all liability, direct and indirect, to users and in general to any third party, for any inaccuracies, errors, omissions, damages (direct, indirect, consequential, punishable and sanctionable) resulting from the aforementioned contents.


NOTE: The service is being activated: as documentation becomes available in the correct format, it will be posted here.










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