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String handling functions:

chr(), character to string

strFixBackSlash(), fix ending backslash

strFixSlash(), fix ending slash

strIsEmpty(), test empty string

strLen(), get string length

strLeft(), extract left substring

strRight(), extract right substring

strMid(), extract substring

strFromChar(), character array to string

strToChar(), string to character array

strFormat(), format value

strUpper(), convert to upper

strLower(), convert to lower

strSimplifyWhiteSpace(), simplify white space

strStripWhiteSpace(), strip white space

strFromVersion(), convert version to string

strZero(), convert to 0 padded string

strToInt(), convert string to 32bit integer (signed)

strToInt64(), convert string to 64bit integer (signed)

strToUInt(), convert string to 32bit integer (unsigned)

strToUInt64(), convert string to 64bit integer (unsigned)

strToReal(), convert string to real (float64)

strFind(), search into the string

strFindRev(), search into the string (reversed order)

strReplace(), replace into the string

strGetToken(), get token from the string


Version handling functions:

nvGetBld(), get build information

nvGetRel(), get release information

nvGetVer(), get version information

nvMake(), make numeric version (Robox standard)


Translation functions:

tr(), translate string

languageCode(), query current language code


Timeout handling functions:

timeoutS(), prepare a timeout [s]

timeoutMs(), prepare a timeout [ms]

isTimeout(), query if timeout expired

secToTimeout(), time [s] left before the timeout

timeS(), query current time [s]

timeMs(), query current time [ms]


Unsigned integer handling functions:

loByte(), extract lower unsigned 8bit-integer

hiByte(), extract higher unsigned 8bit-integer

loWord(), extract lower unsigned 16bit-integer

hiWord(), extract higher unsigned 16bit-integer

loUInt(), extract lower unsigned 32bit-integer

hiUInt(), extract higher unsigned 32bit-integer

makeWord(), build unsigned 16bit-integer

makeUInt(), build unsigned 32bit-integer

makeUInt64(), build unsigned 64bit-integer


Date/time handling functions:

year(), query year (date) value

month(), query month (date) value

day(), query day (date) value

hour(), query hour (time) value

minute(), query minute (time) value

second(), query second (time) value

isDateValid(), check date validity

isTimeValid(), check time validity

dateToString(), convert date to a string

timeToString(), convert time to a string

dayName(), query day name

monthName(), query month name

currentDateTime(), query current date/time information

dateTimeToString(), convert date/time to string

stringToDateTime(), convert string to date/time

Classes documentation:

XParser, general purpose text parser

XProcess, external process

XFileSystem, local file system

XFile, local file

XForm, form (user interface)


Mathematical functions:

fact(), factorial of value

mod(), integer modulus of values

sqrt(), square root of value

abs(), absolute of value

sign(), sign of value

min(), minimum of values

max(), maximum of values

random(), pseudo random number

shl(), shift left of value

shr(), shift right of value

cos(), trigonometric COS of value

sin(), trigonometric SIN of value

tan(), trigonometric TAN of value

acos(), trigonometric ACOS of value

asin(), trigonometric ASIN of value

atan(), trigonometric ATAN of value

log(), base 10 logarithm of value

ln(), base E logarithm of value

exp(), exponent of value

cosh(), hyperbolic COS of value

sinh(), hyperbolic SIN of value

degToRad(), convert degrees to radiants

radToDeg(), convert radiants to degrees.


Color handling functions:

colorFromCode(), color from color code

getBlue(), query blue color component value

getGreen(), query green color component value

getRed(), query red color component value

namedColor(), color from name

rgbColor(), Color from components values


Miscellaneous functions:

debug(), send a debug message to the VM

fatal(), send a fatal error message to the VM

raiseException(), raise an exception

resetExeception(), reset current exception

warning(), send a warning message to the VM

shouldEnd(), query if should gracefully end

sleep(), uspend execution

setFastSchedule(), set fast scheduling state

isFastSchedule(), query fast scheduling state


Miscellaneous information:

Predefined labels








NOTE: customized Virtual Machines (or VM) can have a more specialized or extended Virtual Machine Interface (or VMI) set, and can implement - or not (*) - X/script classes listed above.



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