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This class define an interface for handling process (external program) execution.


addArgument(), add an argument

addEnvironment(), add an environment variable

clearArguments(), clear arguments list

clearEnvironment(), clear environment variables list

closeStdIn(), close the process standard input

commFlags(), query communication flags

exitStatus(), query process exit status

isRunning(), query if process running

kill(), terminate the process

normalExit(), query process exit mode

readStdErr(), read from process standard error

readStdOut(), read from process standard output

setCommFlags(), set communication flags

setWorkingDir(), set process working directory

start(), start the process

stop(), stop the process

workingDir(), query process working directory

writeStdIn(), write to process standard input



NOTE: the this class may be not available in all VM implementations: please refer to specific VM documentation to have notice of such implementation.



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