Robox Library for Cpp: tools module 1.0.0
RLibCpp utilities toolset
The Robox BCC/31 communication protocol library for Cpp: helper classes and methods



This is a library which provides helper classes and methods used by the Robox's BCC/31 communication protocol library for Cpp.
Client application tipically don't need to access the classes and methods exposed by this library. Anyway this library is referred by the RLibCpp Bcc library and as to be provided in order to succesfully run clients using that library.
For completeness, here is a list of the most significative classes exposed by this library.
Please refer to the specific class documentation for further details.

  • BufferHelper :
    This class provides a set of static methods to get and set various data type values ( signed/unsigned 8/16/32/64 bit , floating point and strings values) from and to a generic uint8_t buffer at specific offset

  • IRef :
    This class helps sharing pointers of derived classing among different consumers , deleting the object when all the consumers are done and have deferenced te object

  • StaticTimeout :
    This class helps handling timers

  • StringHelper :
    This class provides static methods for string handling

  • ThreadHelper :
    This class is an helper to handle working threads

  • Log :
    This class is an helper to handle message logging

  • ByteVector :
    This class to handle vector of bytes

  • String :
    This class to handle strings