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Robox Library for Cpp: BCC/31 module 1.0.0
RLibCpp BCC/31 protocol implementation
This is the complete list of members for Connection, including all inherited members.
aboutToSynchronize | Connection | |
active() | Connection | virtual |
addToVarsCache(const String &name, const String &extraTag="") | Connection | |
BaseMonitor | Connection | friend |
clearVarsCache() | Connection | |
Client | Connection | friend |
Connection() | Connection | |
dataTypeForCachedVar(uint32_t cacheId, Message::DataTypes &type) | Connection | |
devInfo() | Connection | protected |
devInfoValid() const | Connection | protected |
doDisposeCaches() | Connection | protected |
doGetClient(Client *&client, int targetId, int targetCh, int sourceCh)=0 | Connection | protectedpure virtual |
doInvokeEvent(const Event &event) | Connection | protected |
doReleaseClient(Client *client)=0 | Connection | protectedpure virtual |
doStart()=0 | Connection | protectedpure virtual |
doStop()=0 | Connection | protectedpure virtual |
ensureSynchronized(Client *client, bool force, bool useCoherentValues) | Connection | protected |
eventsThread() const | Connection | |
existsInVarsCache(uint32_t cacheId) | Connection | |
findInVarsCache(const String &name, const String &extraTag="") | Connection | |
getClient(Client *&client) | Connection | virtual |
getClient(Client *&client, int targetId, int targetCh, int sourceCh) | Connection | virtual |
getMonitor(Monitor *&monitor) | Connection | virtual |
getMonitor(Monitor *&monitor, int targetId, int targetCh, int sourceCh) | Connection | virtual |
getOscilloscope(Oscilloscope *&oscilloscope) | Connection | virtual |
getOscilloscope(Oscilloscope *&oscilloscope, int targetId, int targetCh, int sourceCh) | Connection | virtual |
getVariablesCacheItem(Client *client, uint32_t cacheId, bool forceVarDictUpdate, bool useCoherentValues, bool checkFullVar, VariablesCacheItem *&vcache) | Connection | protected |
getVariablesCacheItem(Client *client, uint32_t cacheId, bool forceVarDictUpdate, bool useCoherentValues, bool checkFullVar, uint32_t startMsgOffset, uint32_t splitOffset, VariablesCacheItem *&vcache) | Connection | protected |
id() const | Connection | |
invoke(long tagData) override | Connection | protected |
m_stoppedOnDispose | Connection | protected |
monitorsCache() | Connection | protected |
onAboutToSynchronize() | Connection | protected |
onEvent(const Event &event) | Connection | protected |
onStarted() | Connection | protected |
onStopped() | Connection | protected |
onSynchronizeCompleted(Globals::Results re) | Connection | protected |
Oscilloscope | Connection | friend |
oscilloscopesCache() | Connection | protected |
parseVar(const String &name, RVar::Dict::VarData::PtrVector &varDataList, RVar::Dict::ParseFlags parseFlags=RVar::Dict::pfDefault) | Connection | protected |
parseVar(const String &name, uint32_t startMsgOffset, uint32_t msgOffset, RVar::Dict::VarData::PtrVector &varDataList, RVar::Index &srcIndex, RVar::Dict::ParseFlags parseFlags=RVar::Dict::pfDefault) | Connection | protected |
queryDeviceInfo(Client *client, bool force, bool &devInfoChanged) | Connection | protected |
releaseClient(Client *client) | Connection | virtual |
releaseMonitor(Monitor *monitor) | Connection | virtual |
releaseOscilloscope(Oscilloscope *oscilloscope) | Connection | virtual |
removeFromVarsCache(uint32_t cacheId) | Connection | |
scheduleType() const | Connection | |
setEventsThread(EventDispatcherThread *value) | Connection | protected |
setScheduleType(Tool::ThreadHelper::ScheduleTypes value) | Connection | |
setVtxPath(const String &value) | Connection | |
start() | Connection | virtual |
started | Connection | |
stop() | Connection | virtual |
stopped | Connection | |
synchronizeCompleted | Connection | |
testCachedVar(uint32_t cacheId) | Connection | |
updateVarsCache() | Connection | |
vtxPath() | Connection | |
~Connection() | Connection | virtual |