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This new version introduces some new functions and the solution of minor anomalies relative to the previous version 3.7.3.

WARNING: due to different data structure inside the realtime oscilloscope, the exported data file has a new and different file format, incompatible with older version: the oscilloscope is however able to import data file generate from previous RDE3 versions.


Command shell (extension SHELL)

RTE project (extension RTE)

Realtime oscilloscope (extension OSC)

3D graphic panel (extension PAN3D)

RTE configuration support (library RTECF)

Ladder language support (library LAD)

X/script language support (library XS)

Object block support (library OB)

Variables support (librarty VAR)

User interface support (library GUI)

CHM documentation support (library CHM)


Updated documentation.

Updated VTX variable definitions (synchronization with RTE v33.21.2).

Updated and revised all the object block (predefined) library structure, content and documentation.

Command shell (extension SHELL)

Added new options to the FLOAD command, with the possibility to reload a file in memory and possibly restart it (-RELOAD, -RESTART and -SYNC): requires RTE v33.21.3 or higher.

Updated CO_WOBJ command (BCC.SHC library).

Updated CO_WSDIAGNO command (BCC.SHC library).

Updated ALINFO command (BCC.SHC library).

Updated REPORT command (BCC.SHC library): added option -C to display colored special items.

Added MREPORT command (BCC.SHC library), to display multiple report.

RTE project (extension RTE)

Added support for generic hardware configuration.

Added hardware configuration/auto-configuration checks.

Added cancellation of file in flash operation (programs pages and file in flash).

Added loading operations with reloading, restarting and synchronized restarting (programs pages and file in flash).

Added colored display for special items in user and system report display.

Fixed variable definition control: accepts the confirmation, in the event of disabled variable and in the presence of error on source and/or destination link.  

Fixed creation for nested flash folders: instead of using recursive creation option, each folder level is created (due to compatibility issues).

Realtime oscilloscope (extension OSC)

Added binary search of sample given the time.

Added track id to zero labels. Aggiunto id traccia alle tacche di zero.

Added automatic saving and data continuation.

Added mouse scroll handling (Wheel) for displacement on time base and scale change (Ctrl+Wheel).

Added vertical measurement bar link to time (double click on bar or menu).

Added temporary selection zoom (Alt+Shift+Z, move with mouse, ESC or double click to terminate).

Added copy of current graph in clipboard as single image (Ctrl+C).

Added command to navigate backwards in the tracks info (Shift+Space).

Added context menu to tracks info for choice of info to display.

Added possibility to display the times as absolute (

Added the possibility to use the scales with acquisition in progress.

Enabled the possibility to modify the tracks parameters with acquisition in progress.

Fix bug that caused loss of tenth data pack queued.

Fix bug of initial track information display.

Optimized graphic design system (single track, overlapping points).

Optimized tracks data structure relative to time base (less memory use and more rapid access to data).

Optimized offset video handling (now in value per/thousand).

Updated tracks design function and eliminated the QuickDraw option.

Updated oscilloscope window structure, now subdivided in various re-dimensionable areas (graphic, tracks information and scales value).

3D graphic panel (extension PAN3D)

Added new item Robox DELTA.

RTE configuration support (library RTECF)

Added new configuration elements base.

Added generic hardware configuration support.

Added hardware configuration file generator.

Added new parameters (abs/inc transducer) to CANopen transducer (axis).

Added new parameters (retentive position) to integer/real register transducer (axis).

Updated RTE configuration file generator.

Added support for new data types in EtherCAT configuration file reading (keyword BYTE, WORD, DWORD, ULINT, LINT, FLOAT, REAL, DOUBLE).

Added new axis disablement option (in power set), on minor axis alarm.

Added new enabling break delay time (in power set).

Added new Cylindrical joint/cartesian model (JC 7, in axes group).

Added new DELTA robot joint/cartesian model (JC 8, in axes group).

Added support for EtherCAT (COE) trasducers and actuators.

Corrected bug in fieldbus resource use check (resource used as multiple source, erroneously considered as use of destination already used).

Ladder language support (library LAD)

Updated predefined RTE variables (synchronization v33.21.2).

Fixed RC variable attributes (read only).

X/script language support (library XS)

Updated predefined variables list (synchronization with RTE v33.18.09).

Object block support (library OB)

Fixed source analysis .CPP, in agreement with "#if <label>" directive, not handled correctly (that is as intended by C/C++ compilators).

Variables support (library VAR)

Fixed support for boolean type remote variable.

User interface support (library GUI)

Added support for new extended property.

Added new view for handling of extended property.

CHM documentation support (library CHM)

Fix bug (crash) while loading/analyzing the manual content.



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