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This version focuses mainly on support of the object block for the RTE project and for the ladder diagram editor, as well as other new functions and solution of anomalies relative to the previous version 3.5.1.

WARNING: due to different handling of the numeration of the logical axes (AXL) in the powerset (RTE configuration), it is most strongly advised not to use the converted configuration with a version of RDE previous to 3.6.0: if this should happen, serious configuration problems may occur with erroneous numeration of the logical axes (AXL). Always check your own configuration carefully after the first opening of the workspace and relative projects.


RTE project (plug-in RTE)

RRT project (plug-in RRT)

Ascii Editor (plug-in AEDITOR)

Ladder diagram editor (plug-in LADED)

Commands shell (plug-in SHELL)

RHLL support (plug-in RHLL)

Ladder language support (LAD library)

I/O file support (FDOC library)

RTE configuration support (RTECF library)

CAN configuration support (CAN library)

X/script language support (XS libraty)

Object block support (OB library)

R3 language support (R3 library)

BCC/31 communication (BCC library)


Fixed bug requesting multiple creations for files created in memory and not saved yet.

Added support for macro in folder paths ({project}, {workspace}, {etc}, {obb} types, etc).

RTE project (plug-in RTE).

Fixed bug deactivating flash files (special links), relative to project configuration, for example RTE.CFG, DF1.CFG, etc.  

Fixed bug in analysis literally file *.R3.

Fixed bug relative to generation configuration (not effected) following some operations on the configuration itself, like axis enabling, ramdisk maintenance, etc.

Fixed bug relative to erroneous configuration variation on ramdisk handling.

Fixed bug relative to missing check flash folder for programs/object block in configuration file (RTE.CFG) generation phase.

Fixed double/repeated operation problem for subsequent makes (configuration date/hour synchronisation problem relative to date/hour on NTFS/FAT32 filesystem, where miliseconds are not handled).  

Fixed (crash) bug on R3 syntax highlight (keyword $LIN_STEP).

Updated translation/conversion of GCC messages to messages compatible with RDE3.

Updated syntax for highlight file *.CPP/H for object block.

Updated syntax for highlight file *.R3.

Updated dependences analysis for .OBS, with reading of the IMPORT and EXTEND.

Updated configuration file generation default settings (now all enabled).

Added macro folder handling.

Added global include list (search paths for inclusion files) for compiler.

Added include list for single object block and R3.ELF program (e.g. RC3E compiler).

Added order compilation elaboration (based on dependences) for object block.

Added configuration symbols generation (literally R3 simple, classic and OB instance, etc.) to ladder programs in project (through external variables support).

Added support include file and OB classes search folders, for R3 programs and object block.

Added effective dependences in base search file to configurated search folders, both for R3 programs as well as for object block.

RRT project (plug-in RRT)

Fixed (crash) bug on R syntax highlight (keyword $LIN_STEP).

Ascii editor (plug-in AEDITOR)

Fixed (crash) bug in editor opening phase (format phase).

Increased number of characters (6) displaying number of lines.

Modified default font to "Courier New", 10pt.  

Ladder diagram editor (plug-in LADED)

Fixed bug on V accelerator key (Alt+V, Shift+V, etc.)

Added compatibility support with previous version (v1.2) and new version with support for the use of the object block (v1.3).

Added editor special references support for access to the various lateral panels and relative contents. That is the following:

reference to block  -> block[:<name>]

reference to structure -> struct[:<name>]

reference to variable -> var[:<name>]

reference to OB class -> obc[:<name>]

reference to a cross ref -> cref[:<name>]

Shell commands (plug-in SHELL)

Fixed BCC/31 message data access in VMI (X/script commands).

Added new functions to VMI (X/script commands).

RHLL support(plug-in RHLL)

Reintegrated plug-in for Robox RHLL environment support (legacy).

Ladder language support (LAD library)

Fixed bug on variables importation from .I3 file (comment without separator relative to literally value).

Fixed RC predefined variable definition.

Fixed elements characteristics for the predefined structures Timer and Counter.

Added general support for the use of the object block:

new lateral panel for OB classes definitions;

new OBCALL element for OB instances methods calls;

automatic generation of structures corresponding to OB classes;

Declarations of OB instance variables;

selective updating for OB classes and contents.

Added new FT element (initial execution).

Added possibility to specify RE and FE elements without supporting variable (anonymous).

Added support for initial variable value.

Added support for constant value variable (request initial value).

Added support constant lit importation from file .I3.  

Added support for variables of external origin.

Added predefined structures POINT_C, POINT_J and TRANSFORM.

Updated predefined AXES_GROUP structure.

I/O file support (FDOC library)

Fixed TF (FDOC) format: added MSEC field to TAG_VAR_DATETIME tag. The TF file remains compatible, even in the event of reuse of the new format with old software versions, in which case only the new information of MSEC will be lost.

RTE configuration support (RTECF library)

Eliminated concept of empty axis (powerset).

Fixed axis order for AXL/AXP (powerset).

Fixed preview of axes used for the assignation of the Jx axes, specifically for the models MJ "YZ Cross" and "Generic cross" (axes group).  

Fixed keyword LANGUAGE generation in RTE.CFG, now generated only if different from Neutral (for retro-compatibility with previous RTE versions).

Added manual AXL modification for axes (powerset).

Added timing control for POWER_RQ and GLOBAL_POWER_FEEDBACK (powerset).

Added timing control for CHANNEL_ENABLE_FEEDBACK (axis in powerset).

Added new settings (-MNEG -CMS) for 0 cycles (axis MJ in axis group).

Added control on output word index (<=255) for relative actuator (AXIS).

Added macro folders support for user/system alarms file.

Added system alarms default file (languages IT, US and FR).

CAN configuration support (CAN library)

Added checking of valid and defined mapping on enabled PDO.

X/script language support (XS library)

Added new date/hour information conversion functions.

Added new string handling functions.

Object block support (OB library)

Added EXTEND keyword analysis support in .OBS file.

Optimize .OBS file and .C/CPP/H file analysis process.

R3 language support (R3 library)

Optimization .R3/I3 file analysis process.

BCC/31 communication (BCC library)

Fixed diagnostic problem on used RS232 (USB) serial device elimination.



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