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This new version includes some new features and resolution of minor anomalies from the previous Version 3.00-R99.


Internal ascii editor (AEDITOR extension)

R project and debugger (RRT extension)

Shell commands (SHELL extension)


Added commands on main toolbar the commands for quick on/off display of various windows (in docking) of workspace.

Corrected sorting by date of workspace history list, both in selection window and maintenance window (global settings).

Corrected sorting by date of file history list by individual workspace, both from selection window and maintenance window (workspace settings).

Internal ascii editor (AEDITOR extension).

Introduced checking and verification of erroneous data after EOF (abnormal file case that can happen with files generated directly in flash on Robox Spa numerical control devices).

Revised main toolbar and context menu.

Project and R debugger (RRT extension).

Revised connection name and type, i.e., no longer the specified source data connection, but the logical project connection, both for project communications (e.g., uploading and saving files) and for R debugger communications.

Corrected display of connection name used and its source.

Corrected keyword reading (R debugger) for inspection - on demand - of variables (the symbol - was understood as a continuation of the current keyword).

Added copy and setting of current selection (in addition to cursor position) on "Go to source..." command from debugger (i.e., current selection from debugger is set on activated editor, if any).

Shell commands (SHELL extension)

Introduced new logic for operation of command history. That is, now by default the shell also stores commands "retrieved" from the history itself in the history: however, for compatibility, it is possible, from the general settings, to configure the desired behavior on a per-shell basis.

Added immediate command history list, accessible with button (beside the command line) or key combination Ctrl+H: from here you can immediately select and execute any command contained in the history itself.



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