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This version incorporates a number of bug fixes and general improvements related to Version 3.00-R93.


R project and debugger (RRT extension)

Variable management (LSVAR extension)

Real/time monitor (MON extension)

Internal ascii editor (AEDITOR extension)

Shell commands (SHELL extension)


General update of accompanying electronic documentation.

Fix bug on wait window (displayed in case of long duration operations), which on some quite slow computers can lead to RDE3 itself crashing or freezing.

Fix bit variable name generation (index with incorrect formatting).

General optimization of the environment, with corresponding increase in its speed estimated at about +30-35% over the previous Version.

R project and debugger (RRT extension).

Fix bug on inspection of literally type variables with also bit access, erroneously considered structure type variables.

Fixed graphics and side icon layout on task debugger, to make it easier to display debug status and bookmarks, which in some cases was overlapping the debug symbols themselves.

Added syntax for specific RRT.CFG file (Version R 32 axes)

Variable management (LSVAR extension)

Added parameter to configure automatic setting of real names of variables, now optional and by default disabled: in previous versions this option was enabled and not settable.

Real/time monitor (MON extension)

Added parameter to configure automatic setting real names of variables, now optional and by default disabled: in previous versions this option was enabled and not settable.

Internal ascii editor (AEDITOR extension).

Added handling of code layers, i.e., graphical representation of editor structure: this feature must be enabled from general editor configuration, for each individual configuration (currently R sources, X/script sources and C/C++ sources), then enabled or not enabled for display.

Added feature of resetting all bookmarks defined for the editor.

Revised colors of some basic editor configurations.

Shell commands (SHELL extension)

Fixed syntax analysis for SV/FV commands, having an 'inconsistency' problem between fast array indexes and assigned values.



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