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This operation allows you to create a new file in memory, then activate the corresponding editor in the current workspace.

To activate it, from any workspace window, select from the menu the command File/New file... (or hotkey Ctrl+N).

Once the operation is activated, a prompt window will be displayed in which you must specify the desired file type (if required, or leave the file type All Files selected), the folder, and most importantly, the name of the file to be created: the last folder used in similar operations in the workspace is proposed as the current folder.

Confirm the creation of the new file by pressing Create (or hotkey Enter key), or cancel the operation by pressing Cancel (or hotkey Esc key).

NOTE: There may be editors that work with files on disk automatically: if so, consult the specific manual of the editor concerned for more information.


If the selected file type includes a specific suffix, it will be added automatically if not already specified.

A file cannot be created in memory if one with the same name (and folder) already exists on disk: in this case either open the file (see opening an existing file) or change the name of the file or to the folder;

In the case that the requested file (and folder) is already opened by an editor in the current workspace, that editor is automatically activated in the foreground, regardless of the type of editor (even if it is different from the requested one): this is to prevent the same file from being edited simultaneously by several editors.

The edit operation is normally done in memory, so any changes to the file on disk must be explicitly requested through the save operation.

Specific file types

When a specific file type (other than All Files) is selected, the specified file will be created in memory with the corresponding editor only: the extension related to the file type will be automatically added to the file if it either does not specify one or specifies a different one.

Generic file type

Using the file type All files, RDE attempts to automatically detect the file type. Based on the specified extension, it will check by how many editor types that specific extension is requested by:

If no editor requests it, the file will be created in memory with the ASCII editor configured (or binary editor configured, in case it detected with content that cannot be traced to a UTF-8 encoding).

If only one editor requests it, the file will be created in memory with that editor.

If multiple editors request it, a list will be displayed with all editors involved (displayed by file type): if confirmed, the file will be created in memory with the selected editor, otherwise the operation will be cancelled.

Opening with specific editor

Using the create object feature in workspace, it is possible to create a specific editor object with the desired file: in this case, in the prompt window, select a valid object from the Editor category, then specify the desired file name.

If the selected editor object includes a specific suffix, it will be added automatically if not already specified.

An example of use is to open a normal text file with the binary editor, which would normally be automatically opened with the ASCII editor instead.

NOTE: The open operation may fail if the specified file is not compatible with the selected editor object.



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