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Function to add data to the MOT points set.


i32 mot_append (i32 motId, real posX, real posY, real velY, real accY [, real other=NULL])


MOT reference code (obtained from the mot_create() function)


Value of the interpolation key associated with the point (abscissa, x-coordinate).

Depending on the flag value used in mot_create(), the value of posX must be mandatorily higher than the last one entered or it can take any value


Array containing the data of the n ordinates (position coordinates relative to the posX abscissa)


Array containing the data of the n first derivatives (velocity coordinates relative to the posX abscissa).

WARNING: These are required if the interpolation type is equal to 3 or 5. Otherwise, specify NULL.


Array containing the data of the n second derivatives (acceleration coordinates relative to the posX abscissa).

WARNING: These are required if the interpolation type is equal to 5. Otherwise, specify NULL.


Data structure containing auxiliary data. (optional, default NULL)

NOTE: A structure must necessarily be used to handle auxiliary data. If mixed type was chosen as interpolation (flag = 0xF0000, see mot_create()), the first field of the other structure must be an i32 specifying the type of interpolation of the segment (1=linear, 2=automatic cubic, 4=automatic pent). There are no restrictions on the other fields in the structure.






Unable to enter point, container full


Operation OK


motID does not exist


Key less than or equal to the last one introduced and insertion flag absent


Illegal posY value (data size smaller than expected)


Illegal other value (size different from that specified at creation)


Internal error


MOT manager busy (other transaction in progress)


Missing data from the first derivative


Data missing from derivative second


Type of interpolation not handled


Rule, Task




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