This function allows you to obtain certain information about the files present in flash.
Syntax |
i32 f_dir (string path, i32 ndef=0 [, stru_fileinfo stru[]=NULL]) |
path |
Path to the directory containing the desired file (or more than one) or to the file itself. If you want to refer to a specific file you must put the full path (e.g., "/fa/override.cfg"). If you want to refer to one (not directly) or more files you have to use the * character, where * replaces any character or string (e.g., "/fa/*.cfg" I request information about all files, regardless of name, with the cfg extension contained in the fa folder). The folder identifier characters can be @, A, B, C, D, E, ... (e.g. /f@/, /fb/, ...). NOTE1: If I enter the full name of a file in the folder, I get information about the size of the file itself (e.g., "/fa/stat.txt" I will get the size of the file stat.txt). NOTE2: If you are using an old flash-card with a Pentium CPU, then the folder field will only be /fx/ and not /fx/*.*. |
nDef |
Parameter containing the number of desired information (5 = 5 files) (optional, default 0) |
stru |
Array of stru_fileinfo that will contain information about the files found. (optional, default NULL--> desired information will not be saved) Name and size of files found in folder defined by path will be saved. Must be at least nDef elements |
Result |
Returns the number of files present in the given partition |
Validity |
Task |
Note |
If functions regarding compact flash management are used, it is recommended that bit 14 of the sys_cfg variable (0x00004000) be imposed to 1, to enable the use of the safety routines for writing/reading flash |
Example of use: