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The X/script language is not a standalone programming language but is an extension scripting language: when embedded in an application, it allows to customize some aspect of the application itself.

The X/script is an object oriented (with some limitation) high level language for the final user and it is usually used as single source.

Before an X/script source can be executed, the source must be compiled and the resulting byte-code can be executed.

X/script compiler

The compiler, called XCC, usually is transparent to the user and is integrated in the host application itself. It takes the source code (ASCII) and translate it into a special byte-code (Binary).

X/script virtual machine

The byte-code obtained from the compiler, will be executed in a particular emulated machine (called virtual machine or XVM) that will interpret the byte-code itself.

Virtual machine interface (VMI)

The X/script language does not have any native function or library: all function are provided by the virtual machine trough an interface, called Virtual machine interface (or VMI). Only few functions are provided from standard virtual machine.

An application that embeds the X/script language will provide his own VMI, plus the VMI from the standard virtual machine.



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