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This class defines an interface to the shell command line, providing a range of functionality to find and analyze what the user typed to activate a given command, such as any options and arguments.

Methods convert token to value:

asBool(),boolean value

asByte(), unsigned 8bit value

asShort(), 16bit value with sign

asWord(), 16bit value without sign

asInt(), 32bit value with sign

asUInt(), 32bit value without sign

asInt64(), 64bit value with sign

asUInt64(), 64bit value without sign

asFloat(), floating point value (32bit)

asReal(), floating point value (64bit)

asString(), string value


General purpose methods:

id(), current token ID code

type(), current token type code

indexCount(), query number of indexes

indexValue(), queries index values

next(), select next token

prev(), select previous token

parseFilename(), check filename

ignoreExtra(), message extra tokens ignored




Methods token type verification:

isArrayIndex(), check array index

isDot(), verify point

isEol(), verify end of line

isHexadecimal(), verify hexadecimal number

isInteger(), verify integer number

isOption(), option verification

isReal(), verify real number

isScopeToken(), verify group name

isString(), verify string

isToken(), verify general token

isVirgo(), comma verification





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