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In most cases closing the main editor window corresponds to closing the file as well: to close the window, select it then press the [X] button on the top edge (or hotkey Ctrl+F4).

If the contents of the editor have been edited in memory, since the last time it was saved to disk, the editor will output a warning message: when the message is displayed, press Yes (or hotkey S) to save the file to disk and close the editor, or press No (or hotkey N) to not save the file but still close the editor, or press Cancel (or hotkey Esc) to cancel the close operation.

TIP: If you have trouble saving with the current filename, it is best to cancel the closing operation and try saving the file with a different name before risking losing important information or data.

NOTE: These are general instructions that apply to most editors. However, some may behave differently or have different commands/options, so refer to the relevant documentation for further or exact information.

Closing from workspace

Alternatively, you can close an open file directly from the workspace window by selecting the corresponding editor object and selecting the Close command from the context menu. The procedure is the same as pressing the [X] button.


The editor's graphical settings (e.g., current element, position of bookmarks, etc.) are lost when the window is closed, except closing as a result of closing the current workspace, in which case such information is saved in the workspace itself before the window is closed.



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