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Instruction call without passing parameters

This Instruction causes execution of the specified subprogram, after which, execution resumes from the next instruction.


call name()


It is the name of the function to be executed


Rule, Task


Brackets used for parameter delimitation may be omitted, but only in case the function has no incoming parameters

Instruction call with parameter passing

Causes execution of the specified subprogram by providing it with the specified parameters, after which, execution resumes from the next Instruction.


call name (val1, val2, ... , valn)


Is the name of the function to be executed


Is the value of the first parameter passed to the function


Is the value of the second parameter passed to the function


Is the value of the nth parameter passed to the function


Rule, Task


The data types of the parameters passed to function must match those declared in it.

In the case of passing a real value to a function in which a parameter of type integer has been declared, there will be an automatic type conversion, from real to integer, without error reporting



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