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These messages are used for general handling of the RPE extension of RTE.

Axes group handling:

bccRpeAxesGroupResolve, resolve an axes group

bccRpeAxesGroupInfo, get information for an axes group

bccRpeAxesGroupList, list available axes groups

bccRpeAxesGroupPositions, query positions for an axes group


Group Authority session handling:

bccRpeGASessionBegin, begin a Group Autority session

bccRpeGASessionEnd, end a Group Autority session

bccRpeGASessionWd, send watchdog a Group Autority session

bccRpeGASessionObjLoad, load an object to a Group Authority session

bccRpeGASessionObjSave, save an object from a Group Authority session

bccRpeGASessionObjStatus, query status for a object in a Group Authority session

bccRpeGASessionObjCmd, command for an object in a Group Autority session

bccRpeGASessionJogCmd, JOG command for an object in a Group Autority session

bccRpeGASessionUpdateObjPointP, update positions for an object's point in a Group Autority session

bccRpeGASessionUpdateObjStepInlinePointP, update positions for an object's step inline point in a Group Autority session



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